• Offer Profile
  • 坎贝尔科学有一个全球
    reputation for accurate and highspeed measurement and control devices and Met Office approved weather stations. Both sets of products are used by Renewable Energy companies or those involved with sustainability.

    Typically our customers customize their data acquisition or measurement and control systems using the dataloggers, sensors, and peripherals that best fit their needs.

    坎贝尔科学 -
    when measurements matter.

Product Portfolio
  • 数据采集​​系统

  • Campbell Scientific Datalogger是我们坚固,可靠的数据采集系统的中心。我们的数据对象具有相似的测量和编程功能;选择适当的数据符的选择主要取决于所需的类型,数字,精度和速度。
    • CR200X-Series Dataloggers

    • CR200X-series dataloggers (our smallest, lowest-cost dataloggers) have an input channel configuration and small size that make them optimal for measuring one or two simple sensors. Some of the models have onboard spread-spectrum radios, allowing them to be used as wireless sensors.
    • CR800系列的测量和控制数据对机

    • CR800和CR850数据对仪在坚固的电池供应软件包中提供精确的测量功能。两种型号在键盘显示屏上有所不同。CR800使用外部键盘显示屏CR1000KD,该显示器通过其CS I/O端口连接到CR800。CR850包括其集成软件包的一部分,包括板上键盘显示屏。
    • CR1000测量和控制系统

    • Following in the tradition of the CR10 and CR10X, our CR1000 dataloggers measure more sensors than our CR200X- and CR800-series dataloggers. The CR1000 is a compact, modular line of dataloggers with a measurement and control module, external power supply, and keyboard display. Their power consumption and packaging are optimized for unattended network applications.
    • CR3000 Micrologger®

    • 坎贝尔科学's CR3000 Micrologger® is a self-contained, rugged datalogger that includes battery-backed, real-time clock and nonvolatile data storage. It has an on-board keyboard and 128 x 64 backlit LCD for accessing information on-site. The CR3000 features removable Input/Output connections, a CS I/O port, peripheral port, and RS-232 port.
    • CR5000 Measurement and Control System

    • This rugged, high performance, integrated data acquisition system has a built-in keyboard, graphics display, and PCMCIA card slot. It combines 16-bit resolution with a maximum throughput of 5000 measurements per second. The CR5000 is available with a built-in sealed rechargeable battery base or in a low profile version without batteries.
    • CR9000X系列测量和控制系统

    • CR9000(X) - 系列数据元素是需要快速测量的应用程序的理想选择。通过16位分辨率可以以每秒100,000个样本的速率进行测量。用户最多插入9个I/O模块,以配置系统为特定应用程序。较小的版本CR9000XC最多接受五个I/O模块。
    • CR7 Measurement and Control System

    • Primarily used in multi-parameter research and industrial applications, this large modular datalogger allows the user to customize the measurement system to their specific needs. Any combination of I/O Cards can occupy slots in the I/O Module. The CR7 provides high resolution (up to 50 nV) and a large number of channels. It is our only datalogger that can do thermocouple psychrometry.
  • Measurement & Control Peripherals

  • 这个外围家族扩大了坎贝尔数据学数据群已经强大的测量和控制能力。测量外围设备位于Datalogger及其传感器之间,而控制外围设备位于DataLogger控制下的DataLogger和外部设备之间。测量外围设备的示例包括振动线接口,串行数据接口,终端输入模块以及大多数情况下的多路复用器。控制外围设备的示例包括继电器驱动器,一些SDM外围设备以及偶尔的多路复用器。一些SDM设备可以同时执行测量和控制功能。
    • Multiplexers

    • Multiplexers allow our dataloggers to measure more sensors. The number of analog inputs is increased by sequentially multiplexing sensor leads into "common" leads. The individual common leads are connected to datalogger analog inputs, excitation channels, or ground as required by the sensor. The datalogger controls the multiplexer using two control ports or one control port and one excitation channel.
    • Synchronous Devices for Measurement

    • Synchronous Devices for Measurement (SDMs) are a group of addressable peripherals that expand the datalogger's output and measurement capabilities. The datalogger controls the SDM output device by storing a value in a memory location, which is then used by the SDM to set a voltage or relay. Measurement devices store data from sensors which are regularly read into the datalogger through a control port.
    • Vibrating Wire Interfaces

    • 这些接口允许我们的数据分析器读取振动线传感器。振动线(或振动带)换能器通常用于测量应变,负载,压力和水位。这些传感器输出一个可以在模拟通道上读取的振动丝产生的频率信号。
    • Wireless Sensor Interfaces

    • 这些组件用于接口与wireless sensors. Products included in this category are base stations, the wireless configurable sensor interfaces, and the CWS Sensor to PC Interface.
    • 继电器驱动程序

    • Relays are devices that can provide power directly to external devices that have modest power requirements, such as the small fans used in our Bowen ratio systems. Alternatively, these relay drivers can provide control signals to heavy-duty external relays that in turn can control power to heavy-duty, high-power equipment such as ventilation fans, aquacultural aerators, refrigeration units, or other electrically powered machinery.
    • Terminal Input Modules

    • 这些小模块提供了用于电阻桥测量,电压隔板和精度电流分流器的完成电阻。它们直接连接到Datalogger的输入终端。每个输入模块都提供了连接一个传感器的电路,除了电压分隔线,该电压分隔线最多可以连接两个单端传感器。
    • Miscellaneous Measurement and Control Peripherals

    • Measurement and Control Peripherals that don't quite fit into our other categories are included here.
  • Sensors

  • 我们的传感器通常是为在不利环境条件下长期安装而设计的。我们网站上列出的大多数传感器测量环境和水资源参数,但是我们的数据量不仅限于测量环境传感器。在我们的应用工程师或第三方中,还可以使用用于应变量,加速度计,液压传感器等工业应用中使用的传感器。

    我们的数据对象有许多频道类型和可编程输入,使它们能够测量大多数市售的传感器。输出电压,脉冲,SDI-12,RS-232或4-20 MA信号的传感器可以使用Datalogger的模拟(单端和差速器),脉冲计数器,SDI-12,RS-232读取,连续模拟输出,数字I/O,抗缩放过滤器和切换激发通道。
    • 空气温度传感器

    • Campbell Scientific提供热敏电阻,热电偶和RTD,用于测量空气温度。Datalogger的可编程性允许以用户选择的单位(例如°C,°F,°K)以各种测量选项和输出。自然吸气和散发粉丝的太阳辐射屏蔽可用于特定的传感器模型。
    • 气温和相对湿度

    • 空气温度和相对湿度探针通常由两个包装在同一外壳中的单独传感器组成。通常,相对湿度是用电容式RH传感器测量的,而气温是通过PRT测量的。在潮湿的区域或应用中,建议使用HMP155A,HMP45C或CS215,其中准确测量RH(尤其是高于90%RH水平)很重要。
    • Barometric Pressure Sensors

    • Barometric pressure sensors measure fluctuations in the pressure exerted by the atmosphere. The sensors require protection from condensing humidity, precipitation, and water ingress and are typically housed with the datalogger inside an environmental enclosure. If the enclosure is airtight, the sensor's pressure port must be vented to the atmosphere.
    • Basic Weather

    • These sensors measure wind speed and direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity—all in a single device that has no moving parts.
    • 电导率传感器

    • Conductivity sensors measure how well a solution conducts a current. The more ions that are in the solution, the higher the conductivity
    • 数码相机

    • 如果您认为一张图片价值一千个字,我们的数码相机就是您所需要的!我们的数码相机旨在在很少的功率上工作,可以按需拍摄图片(由Datalogger编程驱动)或定时使用。
    • 溶解的氧气传感器

    • Dissolved oxygen is a critical parameter in determining the health of aquatic systems. In many aquacultural applications, measurement of decreased oxygen levels is used as the primary indicator to start up aerators.
    • 距离传感器

    • The most common applications are measuring snow depths and water levels. Ultrasonic sensors determine the distance to a target by sending out ultrasonic pulses and listening for the returning echoes that are reflected from the target. The time from transmissions to return of an echo is the basis for obtaining the distance measurement.
    • Duff Moisture Sensors

    • Duff is an important component of forest fire fuel. An accurate knowledge of moisture content in duff material is critical to those conducting scheduled burns as well as those attempting to battle out-of-control fires.
    • 电流传感器

    • 电流传感器通过测量(或传感)通过电流流动的磁场来检测沿电线的流动。因此,传感器是交流电源电缆夹克外部的外部,传感器和交流电源之间没有直接的电气连接。
    • Electric Field Sensors

    • Like electrical charges repel and unlike charges attract. An electric force field, referred to as an electric field, is said to exist around electrical charges. Electric field defines the force per charge (E = F/q), and has both a magnitude and direction (vector quantity). The units of electric field are Newtons/Coulomb, which is equivalent to the more commonly expressed units of Volts/meter (V/m).
    • 蒸发

    • 蒸发量表通过测量蒸发盘中的水位变化来确定蒸发率。它们由浮子,皮带轮和配重组成,该电位器安装在防风雨外壳中的齿轮组件上。电位计产生
    • Freezing-Rain and Ice Detectors

    • Freezing rain sensors detect the presence of icing conditions so that appropriate actions can be taken to prevent damage to power and communication lines, to warn of road hazards, or to keep ice off of a plane's wings.
    • 燃油水分和燃油温度

    • 坎贝尔科学offers sensors that emulate and measure the moisture content and temperature of similarly-sized twigs on the forest floor. These 10-hour fuel moisture and fuel temperature sensors are often incorporated in our pre-configured or custom fire-weather stations. When connected to a datalogger with telemetry capability, the user can automatically monitor changing fuel conditions without having to visit the measurement site.
    • GPS全球定位传感器

    • These sensors use Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) to determine position. There are three segments in determining position: satellites, ground stations, and sensors. The sensors access the satellites that circle the earth (there are 24).
    • Heat, Vapor, and CO2 Flux

    • 通过垂直赢得之间的协方差d speed fluctuations with temperature against humidity and carbon dioxide fluctuations, the sensible and latent heat flux, as well as vapor and CO2 fluxes, can be found. Virtual sensible heat flux can be determined by finding the covariance between the sonically determined temperature and vertical wind speed fluctuations.
    • Infrared Gas Anaylzers

    • 坎贝尔科学提供封闭路径和open-path infrared gas analyzers that produce high-quality measurements in the field. The closed-path analyzer simultaneously measures absolute carbon dioxide and water vapor densities, sample cell temperature, and pressure. The open-path analyzer simultaneously measures absolute carbon dioxide and water vapor densities, air temperature, and barometric pressure.
    • 叶湿传感器

    • 有三个叶状传感器分类:

      2. Mechanical types that detect a change in sensor length or weight, or
    • ORP Sensors

    • 我们的ORP传感器测量溶液的还原潜力。ORP测量与pH传感器同时使用,可洞悉溶液中发生的氧化/还原反应水平。
    • pH Sensors

    • 我们的酸度或alkalinit pH传感器测量y of a solution. The greater the hydrogen ion concentration, the smaller the pH; when the pH is above 7, the solution is basic (alkaline), and when it is below 7, the solution is acidic.
    • 降水传感器

    • 坎贝尔科学offers several types of precipitation measuring devices: tipping bucket rain gage, siphoning tipping bucket rain gage, heated rain gage, and a snowfall adapter.

      Sensor selection can be determined by precipitation type (rain or snow), orifice diameter, measurement range, and accuracy.
    • 目前的天气

    • 目前的天气Sensors are often a component of road, marine, and airport automated weather stations. They use a laser-based system to determine visibility, measure precipitation rate, and identify precipitation types (e.g., drizzle, rain, snow, and hail). This information is especially useful for assessing traveling conditions.
    • Road Weather and Surface Conditions

    • Campbell Scientific具有传感器和测量系统,可提供数据以监视道路附近的大气条件以及道路实际表面的条件。
    • 路床水含量

    • Products for evaluating the volumetric and gravimetric water content of roadbed material both at the construction site and in the soil-test lab.
    • 雪水等效性和雪深

    • This section contains sensors that measure the amount of water contained within a snowpack or the depth of the snowpack.
    • Soil Heat Flux Sensors

    • 热通量传感器测量通过给定表面传递的能量速率。传感器可以是几个热电偶,其测量值是平均的,带有膜加热器的热门电池或热门电池。
    • Soil Temperature Sensors

    • Thermistors, thermocouples, thermocouple wire, and averaging thermocouples are standard soil temperature sensors that are available. Campbell Scientific dataloggers are capable of measuring most commercially available soil temperature sensors. The datalogger's programmability allows a variety of measurement options and output in units of the user's choice (e.g., °C , °F, °K).
    • Soil Volumetric Water Content

    • Soil water content indicates how much water is present in the soil. It can be used to estimate the amount of stored water in a profile or how much irrigation is required to reach a desired amount of water. Soil volumetric water content sensors provide a tool to measure the water content using hand-held sensors, or installing the water content sensors into the soil for long-term measurements.
    • Soil Volumetric Water Content Profiles

    • These probes monitor soil water content profiles. They can measure soil moisture at multiple depths and are easy to install. The output type can be specified; specifications vary based on output.
    • 土壤水电势传感器

    • Soil water potential sensors determine the energy status of water in soil. The energy state describes the force that holds the water in the soil. We offer sensors to measure soil water potential by two methods: the heat dissipation method or the electrical resistance method.
    • 太阳辐射传感器

    • Campbell Scientific提供了金色的计量机,净辐射仪和量子传感器,旨在测量地球表面太阳赋予的能量的各个方面。
    • 应变量

    • Strain gages are used to quantify live loads by measuring induced strains on various types of structures and components.
    • Surface Temperature Sensors

    • 我们提供两种不同的技术来测量表面温度。红外温度传感器是一种通过感应受试者发出的红外辐射来测量物体或表面表面温度的非接触手段。其他温度传感器直接连接到表面,并通过物理接触测量温度。
    • Turbidity Sensors

    • Turbidity sensors measure suspended solids in water, typically by measuring the amount of light transmitted through the water. They are used in river and stream gaging, wastewater and effluent measurement, control instrumentation for settling ponds, sediment transport research, and laboratory measurements.
    • Water Level, Stage, & Flow Sensors

    • Water level, stage, or flow can be measured with many types of sensors: pressure transducers, bubblers, shaft encoders, or ultrasonic sensors. The location where you are measuring water level, the accuracy required, and the ease of installation all contribute to determining the best water-level sensor for your measurement site.
    • Water Samplers

    • Campbell Scientific提供了用于雨水,废水或其他水质应用的便携式和固定自动水采样器。这些采样器使用外部真空泵通过进气管吸水,而不是通过挤压柔性管道诱导流动的传统蠕动泵。
    • 水温传感器

    • Our thermistors are versatile, rugged temperature sensors optimized for long-term deployment. They can monitor water temperature for depths up to 50 feet. The thermistor circuit is measured by a datalogger excitation channel in tandem with a single-ended analog input channel.
    • Wind Speed and Wind Direction

    • Campbell Scientific提供了各种优质的风传感器。我们的风叶和动态计用于研究,空气质量和通用气象应用。风速计仅适用于希望仅测量风速或风速运行的客户。
    • Wireless Sensors

    • The CWS family of wireless sensors expands measurement possibilities by allowing sensors to be installed at a distance from the datalogger without cables. We offer an interface that connects to a variety of sensors, providing them with wireless capability. We also offer a wireless infrared radiometer and soil water content sensor.
  • 通讯

  • 坎贝尔科学offers a full range of communication devices. On-site peripherals include external data storage devices, PDAs, laptop or desktop computers, and displays.


    Combinations of on-site and telemetry devices can be used in the same application for maximum flexibility, convenience, and reliability.
    • Data Storage, External

    • Several types of data storage devices are available from Campbell Scientific. Data storage devices can be used for redundant data storage, additional data storage, or to provide a convenient way to retrieve data from the field site.
    • Direct Communication

    • 直接通信是我们的术语,用于与计算机端口直接通信的过程。
    • Ethernet

    • Our ethernet options allow Campbell Scientific dataloggers to communicate with a computer using TCP/IP. The local network or dedicated Internet connection can also be accessed in combination with short haul or RF peripherals.
    • Field Displays

    • In most applications, data and communications interactions with the datalogger are displayed and monitored on a base station computer running one of our datalogger support software packages. The displays listed here are aimed at field use.
    • Fiber Optic

    • Fiber optic cables and converters are ideal for lightning environments.
    • 多功能

    • 多功能网络允许通过单个电缆询问许多数据元素。单个多功能调制解调器分配了唯一的地址。
    • PDA

    • A portable handheld device (PDA) can be used to collect and display the datalogger’s data, transfer datalogger programs, graph data for up to two elements, and transfer the datalogger’s data to a PC.
    • Radio

    • Spread spectrum, UHF, VHF, or ELOS radio frequencies can be used to retrieve data from monitoring sites. We offer radios in the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 148 to 174 MHz, 400 to 430 MHz, and 440 to 470 MHz range. FCC licenses are required for some RF ranges.
    • 卫星

    • Campbell Scientific通过GON,ARGOS和METEESAT系统支持卫星遥测。使用其他卫星系统也可能可以使用卫星遥测;联系工厂以获取详细信息。
    • 短途

    • 简短的调制解调器提供了Datalogger和具有RS-232串行端口的计算机之间的本地通信。该调制解调器在四线无条件线(两个扭曲对)上传输高达6.5英里的数据。
    • 电话

    • 坎贝尔科学提供的电话通信是数字蜂窝调制解调器,用于现场使用的坚固座机调制解调器和语音调制解调器。语音调制解调器允许您通过语音访问数据或将数据检索到计算机。
    • 通信外围设备

    • Some of our communication devices require a peripheral to complete the connection. Devices that require a communication peripheral include cellular modems, short-haul modems, and fiber optic converters. Campbell Scientific also offers communication peripherals that allow multiple communication devices to be connected at one time.
    • Data Cables

    • 数据电缆将两个设备物理连接在一起,以允许数据在两个设备之间流动。它们可用于将数据词架连接到通信外围设备,数据词架到计算机,计算机与通信外围设备或通信外围设备到另一个通信外围设备。
  • 软件

  • 无论您是新手的数据Alogger世界还是数据采集设备的长期用户,Campbell Scientific都为您的应用程序提供了软件解决方案。Campbell Scientific提供了介绍包,可支持基本应用程序和功能齐全的软件包,以实现精致的测量和控制功能。

    • Datalogger Support Software

    • Our datalogger support software packages support datalogger programming, communications between datalogger and PC, and to varied extents, real-time and historical data monitoring. They allow a customer to support a single station or an entire datalogger network.
    • 显示和分析软件

    • These software packages are designed to display data retrieved from Campbell Scientific dataloggers. The data is displayed in graphical formats such as strip charts, dials, scatter plots, and meters, as well as digital values. Several of these packages also include alarms.
    • Data Management Software

    • 管理大型数据文件和多个数据文件可能是一项艰巨的任务。Campbell Scientific提供可以帮助完成该任务的数据库软件。
    • 软件for Handhelds

    • 坎贝尔科学offers software packages that allow our dataloggers to communicate with a user-supplied personal handheld devices (PDAs). This software performs simple on-site functions such as transferring datalogger programs, monitoring real-time data, controlling datalogger ports and flags, and graphing historical data.
    • 特定于应用程序的软件

    • 软件packages that are customized for specific applications are listed here.
    • 软件Development Kits

    • 软件开发套件或SDK可用于希望在我们的Datalogger支持软件中添加自定义功能或接口的软件开发人员。
  • Power Supplies

  • 坎贝尔科学's data acquisition systems are powered by reliable, inexpensive 12 Vdc sources. Power consumption by our dataloggers, peripherals, and sensors is minimal, allowing extended operation from our standard sealed rechargeable battery or set of alkaline cells. Systems that require more power can be supplemented with external rechargeable batteries, regulators, and charging sources (ac power or solar panels).
      • Alkaline Battery Packs

      • Contemporary dataloggers that can be powered by alkaline batteries include our CR800, CR850, CR1000, and CR3000. Some retired dataloggers, such as the CR500, CR510, CR10, CR10X, 21X, and CR23X, can also be powered by alkaline batteries.
      • 可充电电源

      • All of our dataloggers can be powered by a rechargeable power supply that consists of a rechargeable battery, regulator, and charging source. The charging source powers the system while float-charging the batteries. The batteries then provide back-up power if the charging source is interrupted.
  • Enclosures

  • 坎贝尔科学enclosures are designed specifically for data acquistion applications. They protect equipment from dust, water, sunlight, or pollutants. Their white color reflects solar radiation, which reduces thermal gradients within the enclosure, a potential source of error in thermocouple measurements.
    • 标准外壳

    • Our standard enclosures are intended to accommodate a datalogger, power supply, and at least one peripheral. We typically refer to these enclosures by their internal dimensions (in inches). Please note that our larger dataloggers, the CR7, CR9000X, and CR9000, have their own enclosure options.
    • 固定装置

    • No time to wire your Campbell Scientific system? Let us do it for you. Campbell Scientific’s pre-wired enclosures combine flexibility with ease of use. You still have the flexibility to choose your system components, but installation is easy because the sensors are simply attached to pre-wired connectors on the outside of the enclosure. Campbell Scientific will even create a custom datalogger program for a small fee.
    • 安装的外壳配件

    • This section includes a list of enclosure accessories that must be ordered at the same time as the enclosure.
    • Other Enclosure Accessories

    • These products are for securely mounting your equipment to the enclosure backplate, controlling the relative humidity inside of the enclosure, and providing adequate strain relief for sensor cables. All of this helps keep your equipment from becoming damaged by environmental and some man-made conditions. You can attach the enclosures to any of our tripods or towers, or to a user-supplied pipe.
  • Tripods, Towers, and Mounts

  • Our tripods and towers are sturdy instrument mounts designed to support sensors, wiring, antennas, and instrument enclosures. Both tripods and towers can be guyed (required for the twenty and thirty foot towers, recommended for tripods or ten foot towers subjected to severe winds). Tripods have adjustable legs that are deployed more easily in various soil/rock substrates. Towers allow higher measurement heights (to 30 ft), and the unguyed 10 ft model has a smaller footprint than a tripod. Campbell Scientific also offers several mounts for attaching sensors and antennas to the tripod or tower.
    • Instrumentation Tripods

    • For meteorological applications, the tripods can be augmented with mounts allowing attachment of sensors such as wind sets, pyranometers, and temperature/relative humidity probes. Barometers, soil temperature and moisture probes, and rain gages can also be used with tripod-based weather stations.
    • 仪表塔

    • 我们的仪表塔由带有钢基的无锈铝制成。它们由10英尺的部分组成,可以轻松运输和现场安装。

    • Mounting Poles

    • 坎贝尔科学offers several models of vertical poles for mounting sensors, enclosures, or other instrumentation. The models differ in length. Our 10-m model consists of five 6-ft galvanized-steel pipes and a stainless-steel base. The other models are constructed from stainless-steel, 1.5-inch IPS pipes.
    • Crossarms and Crossarm Brackets

    • 十字架为将气象传感器,天线和其他外围设备固定到我们的三脚架和塔楼提供了坚固的固定点。所有十字架的设计将传感器置于距塔或三脚架中线几英尺远的地方,从而减少了安装座对传感器测量的影响。
    • 坐骑

    • 坎贝尔科学sells several mounts for fastening sensors to an instrumentation tripod, tower, or pole. We also offer radiation shields and leveling platforms to help you obtain the most accurate measurements possible.