• 可再生能源21日xx


通常情况下,我们的客户使用最适合他们需求的数据记录仪、传感器和外设定制他们的数据采集或测量和控制系统。下面的分类将带您了解这些产品。我们的数据记录器经常与第三方传感器和外设相连接,所以您不局限于我们出售的那些。我们设计和制造一系列的数据记录仪,从最基本的只有几个通道的系统,到可扩展的测量数百个通道的系统。我们的系统具有宽的工作温度范围,低功耗和存储大量测量数据的能力。它们也可以独立于交流电源和人机交互操作。大多数传感器直接连接到我们的数据记录器,消除了外部信号的影响。扫描速率可以编程从几小时到每秒100,000次,这取决于数据记录器的型号。测量类型,处理算法和记录间隔也是可编程的。机载指令集包含统计和数学功能,以所需的度量单位提供现场数据简化和输出结果。 Systems With our dataloggers at the core, we have developed innovative measurement and control systems for a variety of applications. These systems include: Weather and climate stations: measure wind speed and direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature (air, water, and soil), snow depth, soil moisture, relative humidity, solar radiation, and more. Our weather stations can monitor general weather conditions, estimate ETo, or supply data for crop models. We offer both pre-configured and custom stations that operate individually or in networks. Also available is an electric field meter that provides measurements for thunderstorm research or assessment of lightning hazards. Hydrological stations: measure and record water level, flow, and water quality parameters, as well as automatically control gates, alarms, motors, valves, and other electrical devices. Industrial systems: measure RPM, vibration, acceleration, position, frequency, strain temperature, pressure, etc. Our systems can be configured with an appropriate combination of sensor types to provide critical, realtime information in applications such as vehicle and equipment testing, HVAC, utilities, structural monitoring and manufacturing. SCADA systems: perform advanced measurement and control - independent of, or in conjunction with a supervisory computer. Each control unit provides multiple channel types and its own UPS. PID control continues even if communications with the main computer are lost. Communication options include Ethernet, radio, and cellular phone. Time domain reflectometry systems: measure soil water content, bulk electrical conductivity, rock-mass deformation and slope stability with superior accuracy and precision. Multiplexers allow hundreds of probes to be measured using a single reflectometer and datalogger. We offer a handheld TDR probe with a digital display unit that can provide soil water content measurements during on-site visits. Aquaculture systems: continuously monitor water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH, as well as automatically control pumps, injectors, aerators, and other devices. Our buoy-based systems consist of a wireless, floating, self-contained package that allows fish farmers and water resource managers to monitor critical water quality parameters from the convenience of their offices. Air quality systems: monitor meteorological parameters, ambient gas and particulate concentrations, stack emissions, and visibility. Micromet systems: use eddy covariance and Bowen ratio techniques to measure water vapor, CO2, and heat fluxes. A tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) enables our trace gas analyzer to measure many trace gas concentrations and fluxes.


  • 沟通:数据电缆
  • 交流:直接沟通
  • 交流:光纤
  • 交流:字段显示
  • 交流:多分
  • 交流:掌上电脑
  • 交流:外围设备
  • 交流:广播
  • 交流:卫星
  • 交流:短途
  • 通信:电话
  • Data Storage:外部数据存储
  • 数据记录仪
  • 工业以太网:接口
  • 计量学:用于测量的同步装置
  • 计量:振动线接口
  • 多路复用器
  • 电源:可充电电源
  • 电力供应
  • 传感器:电容式传感器
  • 传感器:化学传感器
  • 传感器:CO2通量传感器
  • 传感器:导电液位传感器
  • 传感器:电导传感器
  • 传感器:数字计
  • 传感器:溶解氧传感器
  • 传感器:距离传感器
  • 传感器:达夫湿度传感器
  • 传感器:电场传感器
  • 传感器:电流传感器
  • 传感器:电子压力传感器
  • 传感器:蒸发传感器
  • 传感器:流量传感器
  • 传感器:冰雨探测器
  • 传感器:燃料水分传感器
  • 传感器:燃料温度传感器
  • 传感器:GPS全球定位传感器
  • 传感器:热,蒸汽传感器
  • 传感器:湿度传感器
  • 传感器:电感式传感器
  • 传感器:红外/红光传感器
  • 传感器:红外气体分析仪
  • 传感器:磁场传感器
  • 传感器:ORP传感器
  • 传感器:PH传感器
  • 传感器:降水传感器
  • 传感器:当前天气传感器
  • 传感器:压力、气压传感器
  • 传感器:道路天气传感器
  • 传感器:路基含水量传感器
  • 传感器:用于移动的传感器
  • 传感器:积雪深度传感器
  • 传感器:雪水等效传感器
  • 传感器:土壤热通量传感器
  • 传感器:土壤温度传感器
  • 传感器:土壤体积含水量剖面
  • 传感器:土壤体积含水量传感器
  • 传感器:土壤水势传感器
  • 传感器:表面条件传感器
  • 传感器:表面温度传感器
  • 传感器:温度探头
  • 传感器:温度传感器
  • 传感器:温度、空气温度传感器
  • 传感器:水温传感器
  • 传感器:天气传感器
  • 传感器:风向传感器
  • 传感器:风速传感器
  • 传感器:无线传感器
  • 无线通信系统