Utrecht University
Energy Science - Dept of Science, Technology & Society
- Department of Science, Technology and Society
- Energy Science, Copernicus Institute, Budapestlaan 6
- 教授Kornelis勃洛克(主管部门)科学,侦探hnology and Society Wiskundegebouw 307 Utrecht University Budapestlaan 6 3584 CD Utrecht The Netherlands T +31 30 253 7649 F +31 30 253 7601 E K.Blok@uu.nl
- 3524CD
- Utrecht
- the Netherlands
- Tel.: +31 (0)30-2537600
- Fax: +31 30 253 7601
- http://www.energyscience.uu.nl/index.php?page=home
- O.Y.Edelenbosch@uu.nl