澳大利亚国立大学- CECS


世界领先的太阳能研究和教育在澳大利亚国立大学工程与计算机科学学院工程研究学院的三个小组中进行。每个不同的小组都专注于太阳能相关技术的特定领域。该集团研究光伏太阳能电池和聚光器太阳能热技术。活动包括缺陷检测和硅晶圆表面钝化;高性能硅太阳能电池,包括silver太阳能电池;造型;等离子激元与纳米光伏技术;混合光伏/热抛物线槽集中器系统;和太阳能冷却。该中心对太阳能技术的研究旨在通过降低太阳能的成本和提高转换过程的效率,增加对环境无害的解决方案的采用。 Some of the research looks at new technologies and other research looks at news ways to increase the efficiency of existing technologies, much of this effort has lead to technology transfer to commercial solar energy projects. Our 50 researchers regularly present their state-of-the-art research for journal publication at national and international conferences. Beside that our activities include presentation of undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as the supervision of PhD students.