
SYMETRIE是世界领先的六足定位和运动应用解决方案提供商之一。我们的愿景是致力于帮助客户通过一个运动的世界。我们的战略是与客户建立长期的关系。我们的企业形象是由以下价值观构成的:创新,反应,质量创新,因为技术的进步总是走得更远。反应性是因为我们能在短时间内找到解决方案。质量:SYMETRIE严格遵守iso9000标准的质量体系。什么是六足动物?六足平台,或斯图尔特平台,是一个平行运动学系统,由六个支柱组成,提供运动和定位精度,遵循六个自由度,或通常缩写为6自由度,即x, y, z,俯仰,滚转和偏航。它是用来干什么的?有了六个执行器,六足动物能够向任何方向或方向移动,产生强烈的动态运动并控制这些运动。 Therefore, it is used to test materials, products and for swell simulations. Hexapods are frequently used in industries like shipbuilding, spatial, aeronautics, automotive, optics, medical, nuclear, electronics, and by many research centers. Which advantages? - Very high accuracy - Less errors due to a simple structure - Better stiffness ratio - Strong kinematics: more payload - Better inertia - Intuitive control - Pivot point can be tuned - Easy accessibility for payload installation Expertise Project study and hexapod design SYMETRIE will help you to succeed in your positioning and motion projects. Our team of engineers works closely with you to find the suited solution to your specific needs and requirements. Hexapod realization and controls SYMETRIE's expertise in hexapods allows its team to provide a turn-key solution from design to realization and command control. System control and installation Equipped by a whole range of efficient measurement systems, SYMETRIE delivers and installs your system with care.


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