
随着工厂自动化的快速发展,KEYENCE作为传感器和测量仪器的领先供应商,正在开发和制造创新和可靠的产品,以满足每个制造行业的客户要求。除了高质量的产品外,KEYENCE还通过其经过技术培训的销售人员提供全方位的服务;从解决应用问题和技术销售支持到对客户要求的快速响应。KEYENCE致力于支持客户成为各自行业领导者的使命。随着工厂自动化系统的发展,KEYENCE通过推出新的独特产品设计来满足市场对先进传感器和测量技术日益增长的需求。新产品销售额始终占KEYENCE总销售额的30%。这一事实说明了KEYENCE开发新产品和快速响应市场需求的能力。广泛的产品供应KEYENCE生产广泛的产品,从光电和接近传感器到检测线的测量仪器和研究机构使用的高精度设备。这些产品被各行各业80,000多家客户使用。通过为特定应用选择合适的产品,用户可以安装一个生产效率高、成本效益高的工厂自动化系统。 An Unmatched Sales Team KEYENCE and its affiliated companies have more than 1,500 highly trained sales engineers positioned around the world. KEYENCE's philosophy is to meet customers' needs at every level of their business from the design and research stage to the production line and beyond. Highly trained technical sales engineers are expert problem solvers who can provide real solutions to the customers' applications with existing products or potential new solutions. Networking Centers Product is shipped on the same day that the order is received from warehouse centers located in 40 countries throughout the world. To ensure on-time delivery, the stock and production levels are adjusted daily according to market demands and growing trends.


  • 光纤光屏障
  • 流体传感器
  • 流体传感器:流量传感器
  • 流体传感器:压力传感器
  • 流体传感器:温度传感器
  • 射频识别
  • 传感器
  • 传感器:电容式接近传感器
  • 传感器:ccd线传感器
  • 传感器:颜色检测传感器
  • 传感器:光纤传感器
  • 传感器:流量传感器
  • 传感器:电感式传感器
  • 传感器:激光束传感器
  • 传感器:激光传感器
  • 传感器:光电传感器
  • 传感器:位置传感器,非接触式
  • 传感器:接近传感器,电容式
  • 传感器:接近传感器,光电传感器
  • 传感器:温度传感器
  • 传感器:超声波传感器