• 过程行业21xx
  • 工业化学,食品,石油和天然气过程的在线博览会在工厂环境中
  • H07Storage, Tanks & Pressure Vessels

    • We are the world�s leading manufacturer of highTEX products, especially for outdoor use. We are leading in the planning and implementation of membrane constructions.
    • 萨特勒集团
    • A1
    • 虚拟立场
    • B. Chi是反应堆系统,试点工厂和相关服务领域的全球领先制造商:``耐腐蚀性'''
    • b chiglasuster
    • A3
    • 虚拟立场
    • 欢迎来到您的搅拌器和搅拌机提供商Suma,专门为沼气植物和液体肥料罐或泻湖而设计。
    • A5
    • 虚拟立场
    • 我们为化学厂,天然气服务站以及沼气调节和进料系统提供设备。
    • A7
    • 虚拟立场
    • We provide innovative and customer-focused solutions, services and process equipment to the chemical, pharmaceutical and allied industries
    • C1
    • 虚拟立场
    • geais one of the largest technology suppliers for food processing and a wide range of other industries. The global group focuses on technologies, components and sustainable solutions for sophisticated production processes in diverse end-user markets.
    • C3
    • 虚拟立场
    • 是计量技术组件和系统的制造商,以及可靠的水处理解决方案合作伙伴。
    • C5
    • 虚拟立场
    • Our products ranges from fermentation gas reactor equipment to gas purification and storage to gas utilisation in flare systems
    • C7
    • 虚拟立场
    • Offers centrifugal self-priming pumps, quick suctioning pumps, cutter pumps, torque flow pumps, pumps for tank or dry istallation
    • E1
    • 虚拟立场
    • 高压柱塞泵,泵单元和驱动能力,复杂的清洁系统和高压外围产品的设计和生产。
    • URACA
    • E3
    • 虚拟立场
    • 如今,阿尔法·拉瓦尔(Alfa Laval)成为热传,分离和流体处理的关键技术领域的世界领导者。
    • E5
    • 虚拟立场
    • Solid-liquid separation systems, single-use solutions & vibratory mixers, We develop, design and fabricate filtration systems for solid/liquid separation in the processing industries as well as vibratory mixers and single-use technologies.�
    • E7
    • 虚拟立场
    • Geppert r.hrtechnik代表着搅拌器建筑的质量和可靠性。我们为材料加工行业中的所有应用,例如化学,药物,生物技术和食品工业,水和废水处理中的所有应用开发,制造和分发创新的搅拌器。
    • G1
    • 虚拟立场
    • Design and manufacturing of urban and industrial wastewater treatment plants, purification plants, grey water reuse systems, hydrocarbon separators, as well as accessories for wastewater treatment.
    • G3
    • 虚拟立场
    • ABSOLUTE, NON-CONTACT LINEAR POSITION SENSORS & LIQUID LEVEL TRANSMITTERS: Position sensors for industrial applications Industrial such as extreme temperatures, humidity, and constant shock and vibrations and transmitters for liquid level applications
    • G5
    • 虚拟立场
    • 用于工业,灌溉和水处理应用的自动过滤系统
    • G7
    • 虚拟立场
    • L dige在混合,颗粒,涂料,干燥,反应和相关过程的各个行业的过程工程应用中提供高质量的部分系统和服务。
    • I1
    • 虚拟立场
    • INVENT develops, produces and globally implements components, systems and processes for the treatment of water and wastewater.
    • i3
    • 虚拟立场
    • BDI开发了从副用品和废物产品中生产能源的技术,同时确保最大程度地保护资源。
    • i5
    • 虚拟立场
    • MEDOTEC提供给药泵,搅拌机,M&C技术,一般的剂量技术,并且是剂量泵,测量和控制技术和剂量滑冰制造的段的合格提供商。
    • i7
    • 虚拟立场
    • We offer quality tanks and system solutions in steel for industry, communities and agriculture. Your project, from an individual tank to a complete turnkey plant, will be completed with the emphasis firmly on longevity, flexibility and individual adaptability.
    • K1
    • 虚拟立场
    • Lightweight, high-strength accumulators and cylinders to be used for weight-sensitive energy and fuel storage applications.
    • K3
    • 虚拟立场
    • Chamber filter presses, membrane filter presses and frame filter presses
    • K5
    • 虚拟立场
    • 我们提供40多年的经验,并了解用于批量固体处理组件的开发和制造。
    • 固体系统
    • K7
    • 虚拟立场
    • Stainless steel pipes, clad pipes, vessels, tanks and columns, spools and welded components as well as assemblies and special pipes
    • M1
    • 虚拟立场
    • delivers both standardized and individually produced systems and machines for industrial washing, drying, cooling, screening and sorting.
    • M3
    • 虚拟立场
    • Plastic welding technology : RITMO S.P.A is a world leader with over 35 years of experience in the manufacturing of plastic welding equipment. All products are designed and built according to International standards and directives (UNI, ISO, CEE).
    • M5
    • 虚拟立场
    • 您可靠的鼓泵,容器泵,垂直和水平偏心螺丝泵和手动泵的制造商
    • 杰斯伯格
    • M7
    • 虚拟立场
    • 我们的废水处理厂净化了高度负载的废水灵活性和高效。我们的供热系统(TES)以及冷藏和热存储系统(CES/TES)可以有效地存储热能,尤其是通过获得专利的充电/放电系统。
    • O1
    • 虚拟立场
    • 天然气技术组件制造商,为沼气,污水和垃圾填埋气技术的各个方面提供服务。
    • ennox biogas technology
    • O3
    • 虚拟立场
    • 用于水处理的水箱 - 我们开发和生产水处理供应已有35年以上。
    • O5
    • 虚拟立场
    • Dynamic Leaders in Static Mixers and Motionless Mixing. Statiflo International is a world leader in the development and application of static mixers and associated technologies with thousands of customers in every process industry in over 80 countries.
    • O7
    • 虚拟立场
    • 我们是批处理沼气植物的全球技术领导者,用于从废物中发电。
    • 第一季度
    • 虚拟立场
    • 用于工业过程中化学产品的剂量的电力,液压和磁性泵,用于水处理和农业定植中的剂量
    • ITC
    • 第三季
    • 虚拟立场
    • Plans and produces complete biogas plants made of stainless steel and distributes them worldwide.
    • Weltec生物电力
    • Q5
    • 虚拟立场
    • HBE is developing and producing hydraulic accessories, oil tanks, bellhousings and couplings for the drive and fluid technics.
    • HBE
    • 迄今为止
    • 虚拟立场
    • Antha-Pol专门从事散装材料处理和回收行业的机械。
    • S1
    • 虚拟立场
    • 海里格混合技术为每个混合过程提供机器
    • S3
    • 虚拟立场
    • We offer compressors, blowers, Impellers and process engineering in areas such as the chemical industry, refineries, liquid gas storage tanks, effluent treatment, laminating, sintered metal production, etc.
    • S5
    • 虚拟立场