  • 提供个人资料
  • As a globally operating corporate group, Masterflex specializes in solving complex connection challenges. We can now boast over 25 years worth of experience in the development, manufacturing and processing of high-tech spiral hoses. Our in-depth material and technological expertise helps us turn the most sophisticated high performance plastics into real products, which set international standards. Our core values determine our work philosophy and connect us directly with the whole group.
Product Portfolio
  • Hoses & Connection Systems

    • Engineering

        • Production Processes

            • Extrusion Process

            • Our product range covers many different types of hoses, which are produced using the extrusion method. During this extrusion process of plastic profiles, a spring steel wire is moulded into the profile, so that it cannot move or twist. The material is then spirally welded onto the overlaps thus giving the hose its final form.
            • 剪辑过程

            • 预先制作的箔,膜或塑料面料的处理为我们提供了满足客户需求的更灵活性。这里的决定性因素是能够从这些单独的薄膜,箔或织物带中制作软管。使用特别开发的“夹子”工艺,将钢条形成成轮廓,并放置在内部的其他材料条。然后,夹子机在开瓶器运动中推动轮廓,在此期间按下轮廓,从而将材料“剪裁”在一起。这个特殊的“夹子”工艺机械地将软管材料与金属外螺旋结合在一起,使其具有令人难以置信的拉伸强度。
            • Foil/Film Process

            • 除了“剪辑”过程外,我们还提供了使用预先制作的膜,箔和塑料织物制造软管的其他生产方法。我们提供必要的专业知识和专业知识,以将单个薄膜,箔和织物带一起旋转和塑造。完成后,将弹簧钢丝或塑料制成的支撑螺旋集成到软管壁上(或模制到外表面)。
            • 涂料过程

            • The coating production process focuses on our specialist know-how in the processing of cast elastomers. We use our own specially-developed casting forms to mould and produce a wide range of connectors and sockets. Such highly specific product solutions, which are connected perfectly to each individual hose and other connection elements, provide the right answer for our customers searching for the most suitable hose accessories.
            • Templine®加热软管工艺

            • Our templine® heated hoses are applied where the media must be kept at a certain temperature while being transported, and where a flexible connection is required between the input and output stages. For the production of such a high-tech hose, a heating wire and fabric is woven onto the outer surface of the hose, which provides constant heating surface for the media inside. This woven material is then encased in a thermal insulation material before being covered with a protective sheath making it suitable for even the toughest of environments.
          • 软管建筑设计

          • 软管的定义:

              • Clip (Hoses with clamp-profile helix)

              • 这种施工设计涵盖了所有主纸软管,以及软管类型Carflex 200和Carflex 300。


                Robust, tension-resistant connection of the inner hose material and the outer profile helix using the special »Clip« method.


                • External wear protection via outer clip-profile helix (Clip)
                • 出色的灵活性
                • 最小的弯曲半径
                • Extremely compressible (depending on size)
                • Installation-friendly thanks to the patented »Clip-Grip« special hose clamps
                • DN 38 -DN 2000的几乎所有生产直径
              • 配置文件 - 脱颖而出(剖面抛弃的软管)

              • This construction design includes all Master-PUR, Master-PVC L, Master-PVC H, Master-PE L-EL and Master-SANTO hoses, as well as the hose types Streetmaster, Cargoflex, Polderflex PUR, Inline and Flamex B se.




                Production variations available from lightweight and highly flexible through to heavy-weight and extremely vacuum-proof.
                • spiral-shaped with welded overlaps
                • 由于塑料和弹簧钢丝之间的牢固连接,连续的,对称的折叠
                • aerodynamically efficient due to smooth inner lining
                • wide range of processing options available for almost all thermo-plastic materials
                • DN 13 -DN 500的生产直径可用(软管类型)
              • Film/Foil/Fabric (with embedded helix)

              • This construction design is applied for the Flamex B-F se, Master-PUR L-F Food and Master-PE L-F EL hose types.


                膜,箔或织物的条带 - 带有焊接重叠的螺旋形和由弹簧钢丝制成的嵌入式轮廓。


                Variable production options for spiral hoses made from a wide range of materials including strips of film, foil or fabric.
                • highly flexible
                • smallest bending radii
                • cost-efficient stock management and reduced transport costs thanks to compressed size with net packaging
                • production diameters available (dep. on hose type) from DN 32 - DN 450
              • 膜/箔/织物(带外螺旋)

              • This method includes the hose types Carflex Super, Master-PUR STEP, Master-PUR STEP MHR and Master-SANTO SL.


                Strips of film, foil or fabric – spiral-shaped with welded overlaps and an external profile made from plastic or plastic-coated spring steel wire.


                Variable production options for spiral hoses made from a wide range of materials including strips of film, foil or fabric.

                • highly flexible
                • smallest bending radii
                • production diameters available (dep. on hose type) from DN 32 - DN 450
              • miniflex(带无缝的塑料外涂层)

              • 该施工设计包括所有Miniflex软管类型。


                Spirally coiled and non-fixed inner spring-steel wire (bare or coated) with seamless outer coating.

                • seamless outer hose coating
                • extremely flexible
                • smallest bending radii
                • production diameters available from DN 7 - DN 50
              • Vulcanised (single/multi-layered)

              • 这种构造设计涵盖了软管类型的主-Neo 1,Master-Neo 2,Master-Sil 1,Master-Sil 2,Master-Sil HD-Food和Master-Sil SD食品。


                Vulcanised fabric strips wound with overlaps onto an inner, free-floating or embedded helix made from spring steel wire and an additional external fibreglass fixation for the hose types NEO 1/2 and SIL 1/2.


                Variable production options for spiral hoses made from a wide range of materials including strips of film, foil or fabric.
                • smooth inner lining
                • 灵活的
                • 小弯曲半径
                • 良好的压力抗性
                • 生产直径可从DN 13- DN 305提供
            • 材料

            • Only the best: We use the most high-tech plastics with extraordinary features

                • 聚氨酯(PU)

                • The majority of the suction and transport hoses, which extract highly abrasive solids, are made from high performance polyurethane. Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (TPU) offer a great range of features, combining elasticity, high resistance and durability.
                • Thermoplastic Vulkanisates (TPV)

                • 在主屈服软管中施加的TPV由天然热塑性橡胶制成。TPV属于热塑性弹性体组,并提供硫化橡胶的性能特征,例如良好的耐热性和低压组,结合了热塑性塑料的简单处理。
                • Soft PVC (Polyvinylchloride)

                • PVC属于无定形塑料但仍交货cels thanks to its excellent media resistance. Hoses made from this material are highly suited to almost any environment and application – with the exception of solvents (e.g. aromatics, esters, ketones, chlorinated hydrocarbons).

                  聚氯乙烯是一个低价,多功能材料。它的脾气ature resistance and abrasion resistance are, however, much lower than those of polyurethane. Furthermore, the material can become brittle over time due to migrating plasticisers, which can lead to the hose no longer functioning properly.
                • 聚乙烯(PE)

                • Polyethylene is a thermo-plastic and belongs to the group of polyolefins. Due to its excellent resistance to acids, alkali and chemicals, polyethylene is extremely durable and possesses a much greater chemical resistance than PU. The material exhibits much robuster properties than polyurethane. Hoses made from polyethylene are especially suitable for special applications, e.g. the transport of aggressive gases and liquids, or transport of fine-particle dusts and powders in the chemicals industry. Confronted with such extreme media as acetone, benzenes, toluenes and xylenes, the PE material proves its excellent resistance.
                • 高性能织物

                • Among many different sophisticated fields of production, Masterflex is also specialised in the processing of high-performance fabrics. In the production process of our patented and renowned Clip hoses, many different types of fabric are applied. These fabric types differ greatly in their features and material makeups. Examples include extremely chemical-resistant fabrics such as PTFE, Viton, Kapton or Hypalon. Others include extremely heat-resistant fabric types, which enable otherwise hazardous applications in high temperature areas. The materials used are clamped into place in the exterior steel helix via the patented “Clip“ method, thus creating tension-proof hoses. With this method, neither welding, bonding nor sewing is necessary, as the clamp or “clip” provides more than enough stability. Depending on the outer or inner loads, the hoses can be produced with multiple layers to provide even greater durability.
              • Templine®工程 - 电加热软管:系统解决方案!

              • Wherever media needs to be kept fluid at certain temperatures, and a flexible connection between the input and output is required, the templine® hoses offer the ideal solution.

                Hose Construction Design - templine® Heated Hoses

                Hose with electrical heating for constant and consistent heat distribution over the entire hose surface.




                • consistent heat supply to the transport media with minimal temperature deviation
                • optimum protection of temperature-sensitive liquids, dusts, gases and granules
                • greater energy efficiency – significantly reduced power consumption in comparison to conventional systems (up to 30 %)
                • 高度灵活且在各个方向(360°)上可永久扭曲,而热分布有任何降低


                The number of application areas within the field of process technology is immense. Here are a few example applications for electrically heated hose systems:

                • 化学和石化单元
                • 汽车行业
                • machine building
                • 粘合剂/粘结技术
                • automation
                • food & beverage industry
                • 专业申请
                • exhaust cleansing