Business Profile

The German mechanical engineering company CeraCon GmbH was founded in 2000 and has got its head office in Weikersheim/Baden-Württemberg. Currently, CeraCon has got about 200 employees in different business areas working in Germany and abroad.

The core business of CeraCon is selling, designing and manufacturing of standardized and customer-specific machines. The division “Sealing systems” is responsible for processing and applying foam gaskets directly to the components to be sealed as well as for developing and producing the corresponding adhesives and sealing compounds. The division “Thermal systems” comprises the heat treatment and buffering of components in horizontal and vertical design.

此外,填料ser CeraCon提供合同vice and is able to apply foam to customer components in large or small series.

Target industries are the automotive sector, the respective suppliers, the electrical and electronics industry as well as the white goods sector. More than 70% of the company turnover is achieved abroad.

Foam sealing technology and industrial ovens – two business areas, one common goal: to exceed your expectations.

此外,填料ser CeraCon提供合同vice and is able to apply foam to customer components in large or small series.

Target industries are the automotive sector, the respective suppliers, the electrical and electronics industry as well as the white goods sector. More than 70% of the company turnover is achieved abroad.