- Offer Profile
- Impex Hightech GmbHis a German company with production facility in Armenia. Impex HighTech offers you a wide range of products in the fields of optics, crystals and lasers. The core business of the company is the cutting, grinding and processing of sapphire material for domes, high pressure sapphire tubes, high temperature windows, precision sapphire windows, optical sapphire windows and other optics made from this unique material.
Additionally Impex HighTech manufactures lenses, prisms, substrates, UV mirrors, windows, IR optics, polarizers and beam splitters made from flourides, IR materials, different glasses and undoped garnets.
Part of the company is concerned with the development and production of highly reliable lasers. We offer quick-pulse lasers for niche markets and special extremely quick-pulsed 3 µm lasers for medical and scientific purposes.
- Impex HighTech is a full service company with own production facility located in Armenia. The core business of our company is the cutting, grinding and processing of following products from sapphire:
- 蓝宝石blanks
- 蓝宝石grinded domes
- 蓝宝石optical window
- 蓝宝石精密窗户
- 蓝宝石大窗户
- 蓝宝石high temperature windows
- 蓝宝石high pressure windows
- 蓝宝石scanner windows
- 蓝宝石晶圆
- 蓝宝石高压管
- 蓝宝石crucibles
- 蓝宝石轻轨
- 蓝宝石提示
- 蓝宝石带有珠宝
- 根据特定于客户的设计,蓝宝石光学元件
- 合成单晶蓝宝石(AL2O3)由于出色的光学,物理和化学特性的独特组合,是高级光学应用的领先材料。从真空紫外线到红外区域(从0.18 µm到6 µm),它在广泛的波长中是透明的。由于其六边形结构结构,蓝宝石在其光学和物理特性中表现出各向异性行为。因此,由蓝宝石制成的光学成分的确切特性取决于相对于光轴的晶体学方向(C轴,0001)。除C轴外,蓝宝石在所有方向上都有双折射。蓝宝石是所有氧化物晶体中最难的。由于其极端的表面硬度,蓝宝石只能被几种物质刮擦(例如,钻石和硝酸硼)。与其他材料相比,它可以生产更薄的光窗。在接近传输极限的波长下使用蓝宝石的另一个原因。
Kyropoulos方法:用于产生一个大议会的蓝宝石,typi吗cally of a cylindrical form. Grown boule can be from 70 up to 300 mm in diameter and up to 250 mm in height. Sapphire grown by this method normally has a very high optical quality with low defect density with efficient costs, and can be cut into wafers of any crystallographic orientation. This method is applied for manufacturing substrates for blue LEDs and SOS wafers.
Main applications of sapphire
Optical application
- 蓝宝石是一种优越的材料为高诡辩家icated optical applications, because it is highly transparent at wavelengths of light between 0.18 µm to 5.5 µm , as well as being five times stronger than glass. High optical transmission of sapphire combined with the perfect chemical durability, wear resistance and the ability to withstand high temperatures made sapphire the leading material for sensor optics and optical components for spectroscopy.
- Sapphire在高质量的手表,扫描仪应用和其他高磨损应用以及精确的机械组件中广泛用于防刮擦窗户,因为其极端硬度使表面具有抗刮擦性。
- 蓝宝石具有物理,化学和光学特性的独特组合,可以承受高压和热冲击。蓝宝石的熔点超过2000 c°,使其非常适合高温应用。高压蓝宝石管和窗户,高强度和真空窗户,高温蓝宝石窗户在该特定字段中是大量光学范围的一小部分。
- 在高达1000°C的温度下,对普通酸和碱的化学惰性,蓝宝石管,坩埚和其他蓝宝石光学器件对于化学工业的不同应用不可替代。蓝宝石非常适合所有类型的喷雾和喷嘴,受到高温或与酸接触的产品。蓝宝石替换了石英用品,以提高耐久性并降低污染,同时提供良好的紫外线变速箱。
Electrical application
- Due to its a high, stable dielectric constant, sapphire is wide used for electronic substrates. Electrical properties of sapphire are depend on crystallographic orientation. In addition, sapphire wafers are used in the semiconductor industry as a substrate for the growth of gallium nitride based devices LED (light emitting diodes).
- 蓝宝石is often used in endoscopes lenses due to its durability in contact with tissues and in sterilization environments such as autoclaving. Also tips from sapphire are very good for various surgical laser applications and sapphire light guides are commonly used in cosmetic skin procedures.
- Impex Hightech GmbH提供了不同类型的传统光学组件,用于扩展的光谱频段,从真空紫外线到所有典型光学材料制成的远红外区域:
- optical blanks
- 光窗
- 光学镜头
- 光棱镜
- optics according to customer-specific design
- 氟化钡
- 氟化钙
- 氟锂
- Magnesium Fluoride
- 银氯化物
- 氯化钠
- Potassium Chloride
- 溴化钾
- Zinc Selenide
- 锌硫化物
- 锗
- 硅
- 溴碘化钠
- Fused Silica
- Borosilicate Crown Optical Glass
- 蓝宝石
- 石英
- Yttrium铝石榴石
- Gadolinium炮弹
- Lithium Niobate
- Lithium Tantalate
- 氧化镁掺杂氯硝酸锂
- 氟化钡
- 氟化钙
- 氟锂
- Magnesium Fluoride
- 银氯化物
- 氯化钠
- Potassium Chloride
- 溴化钾
- Zinc Selenide
- 锌硫化物
- 锗
- 硅
- 溴碘化钠
- Fused Silica
- Borosilicate Crown Optical Glass
- 蓝宝石
- 石英
- Yttrium铝石榴石
- Gadolinium炮弹
- Lithium Niobate
- Lithium Tantalate
- 氧化镁掺杂氯硝酸锂
- 氟化钡
- 氟化钙
- 氟锂
- Magnesium Fluoride
- 银氯化物
- 氯化钠
- Potassium Chloride
- 溴化钾
- Zinc Selenide
- 锌硫化物
- 锗
- 硅
- 溴碘化钠
- Fused Silica
- Borosilicate Crown Optical Glass
- 蓝宝石
- 石英
- Gadolinium炮弹
- Lithium Niobate
- Lithium Tantalate
- 氧化镁掺杂氯硝酸锂
- 氟化钡
- 氟化钙
- 氟锂
- Magnesium Fluoride
- 银氯化物
- 氯化钠
- Potassium Chloride
- 溴化钾
- Zinc Selenide
- 锌硫化物
- 锗
- 硅
- 溴碘化钠
- Fused Silica
- Borosilicate Crown Optical Glass
- 蓝宝石
- 石英
- Gadolinium炮弹
- Lithium Niobate
- Lithium Tantalate
- 氧化镁掺杂氯硝酸锂
- We are working customer-specific and produce for our customer complex parts from sapphire.
- Impex Hightech GmbHoffers different kinds of crystals, which can be mainly devided into three groups: Optical crystals, non-linear crystals and laser crystals.
Optical Crystals
- 氟化物
- 氯化物
- Infrared Materials
- Glasses
- 单晶
- 未掺杂的石榴石
- NLO-晶体
- NLO-晶体
- Linbo3
- litao3
- cr-yag
- MgO:LiNbO3
激光 - 晶体
- YAG晶体
- nd:yag
- Yb:YAG
- Cr,Tm,Ho:YAG
- YLF crystals
- ho:ylf
- nd:ylf
- YSGG crystals
- Er,Cr:YSGG
- Cr,Tm,Ho:YSGG
- YAP crystals
- 其他晶体
- Nd:YVO4
- ti:saphir
- Alexandrit
- Forsterit
- 粘合激光晶体
- 复合晶体
- µ-chip Laser crystals
- 扩散键合晶体
Flow tubes
- 闪光灯泵送激光器的腔流管
- Impex Hightech GmbHoffers a complete range of laser systems from q-switched high energy to very stable single frequency continuous wave diode pumped solid state laser at different wavelength. We can offer custom specific parameters depending on the integrated bonded crystal. The adhesive free diffusion bonding is highly reliable and causes very low intra cavity losses at the bonding interface. Therefore these laser are highly reliable and sought after in industry and research.
By designing these lasers, the low cost, compactness, resistance against mechanical stress and flexibility of the laser was our major concern. Where high pulse intensities are needed, especially for mobile applications in different fields. For example in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), marking, micro machining, photonic crystal fiber pumping (super continuum generation), Lidar, range finding and as seeding master oscillator for high power solide state lasers.
- 这些被动的Q开关µ芯片激光器都是基于我们自己的粘合激光芯片的。这些芯片的选择(在长度,输出耦合和初始传输方面有所不同)构成了我们产品线的基础。主要是ELM1064,它以高于210 µJ的脉冲能量和重复速率的高能版本提供,其中几个kHz和低能版本(高于70 µJ / tens khz)。ELM1064产生高于70 µj的脉冲能,并且可以轻松达到20 kHz的重复速率。
所有激光器都配备了用于远程控制激光和所有温度设置的计算机控制软件。脉冲宽度始终低于5 ns。这些ELM1064激光器非常适合LIDAR(光检测和射程),LIBS(激光诱导的分解光谱)和使用光子晶体纤维(PCF)使用超连续产生。更多详细信息可以在相应的PDF数据表中找到。对于不同的规格,请直接与我们联系。
- 我们被动的Q开关ELM532激光器比众所周知的ELM1064激光器长几厘米。ND:YAG激光器的频率加倍以最先进的状态走出补偿,从而导致转化效率超过50%,仅通过单个通过非线性晶体。这些ELM532激光非常适合LIDAR(光检测和射程)以及LIBS(激光诱导的分解光谱)应用。我们达到了高达500兆瓦的输出功率,但是在这里,您将收到更强的脉搏,以使脉搏正时抖动。可以在下面的相应数据表中找到更多详细信息。对于不同的规格,请直接与我们联系。我们还开发客户指定的激光系统。
- We introduces The Unique and Universal Er:YAG laser system ERB15 OEM, which is now the highest power and ultra shortest Pulses available.
多年来,我们一直为研究,医疗和工业激光市场提供ERB15解决方案,现在我们利用这种经验提供独特的ER:YAG激光器,具有2.94 µm,少于60 ns的脉冲宽度和15 MJ Pulse Energyat and 15 MJ脉冲能量速率为10 Hz。
- 激光二极管驱动器LD-SMART旨在通过触摸屏平板电脑或智能手机通过控制软件在触摸屏平板电脑上通过USB或蓝牙界面来启动激光二极管(8vx10a)或二极管泵送固态激光器。将激光二极管集成或外向的可能性使LD-SMART与众不同。LD-SMART的新功能是自适应温度控制,而操作温度则由激光二极管的电流适应以实现恒定目标波长,效率更高12%。该设备最多包含三个温度控制器和内部和外部TTL的脉冲触发模式。
- 0808NM 6W CW +/- 3NM
- 0808nm 8W cw +/-3nm
- 0808nm 15W cw +/-3nm
- 0808nm 20W cw +/-3nm
- 0830nm 1W cw +/-10nm
- 0830nm 2W cw +/-10nm
- 0915nm 8W CW +/- 10nm
- 0940NM 8W CW +/- 10nm
- 0975nm 8W cw +/-10nm