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  • Offer Profile
  • 我们的产品系列补充了来自其他领先的世界一流制造商的代理产品 - 由相关服务(例如泵工厂的设计和安装,溢油恢复以及通过我们的服务中心网络销售服务)完成。

    为了满足未来客户的需求for more complete systems, including DESMI pumps, we are providing solutions and systems as well as single standard pumps or components. With focus on the individual needs from our customers we are providing solutions based on proven technology.

Product Portfolio
  • ROTAN®- Internal Gear Pumps

  • 适合各个解决方案

    Rotan®internal gear pump provides favourable flow conditions, as the direction of the liquid flow is only changed slightly through the pump.
    The internal gear pump principle was developed in 1915 by a Danish American. In 1921, he licensed a Danish company to manufacture the pumps, which have been continuously marketed worldwide under the ROTAN®name.

      • ROTAN® - HD

      • 高清齿轮泵专门为困难应用设计

        Heavy Duty - Internal gear pumps in cast iron, for a wide range of viscous, non-corrosive liquids. HD pumps are specifically designed for difficult applications and those involving high viscosity liquids. They are known by their sturdy and simple construction and available with 90° angular configuration.

        • Capacity Range: Up to 250 m3/h / 1100 gpm
        • Speed: Up to 1750 rpm
        • 差压力:最多16 bar / 232 psi
        • Suction Lift: Up to 0,5 bar / 7.25 psi vacuum while priming
        • Up to 0,8 bar / 11.6 psi vacuum while pumping
        • Viscosity Range: Up to 250,000 cSt
        • Temperature: Up to 250°C / 482° F

          Pumping of:
        • Asphalt
        • Chocolate
        • Paint
        • Molasses
        • 肥皂
        • 其他工业粘性液体
        • Additives
        • Polyol
        • Viscose
        • 硫酸盐肥皂
        • 麦芽糖
        • Grease
        • 沥青
        • Base oil
        • Bitumen
        • Polyester

        Key features and benefits

        • Flexible sealing options
        • “真”背拉设计
        • Opposing inlet and outlet connections with oversized ports
        • Shaft supported by two ball bearings in single sealed configuration
        • Self-priming with large suction capabilities
        • Low NPSH requirements
        • 自我排水,整体安全浮雕阀
        • No speed reduction required in six smaller sizes
        • Complete heating/cooling jacketing available
      • ROTAN®ED

      • 磁性耦合的内齿轮泵,以防止泄漏

        ED is for Environmental Duty. As only minimal maintenance is necessary, ED pumps will be a very economical solution compared with traditionally sealed pumps, especially where the application requires the use of double mechanical shaft seals.

        • 容量范围:高达90 m3 / h / 396 gpm
        • Speed: Up to 1750 rpm
        • 差压力:最多16 bar / 232 psi
        • Suction Lift: Up to 0,5 bar / 7.25 psi vacuum while priming
        • Up to 0,8 bar / 11.6 psi vacuum while pumping
        • Viscosity Range: Up to 10,000 cSt
        • Temperature: Up to 250°C / 482° F

        Pumping of:

        • 异氰酸酯
        • Solvents
        • 危险有机液体
        • 打印墨水
        • Resin
        • 沥青
        • 醇酸树脂
        • Soyabean oil
        • Linseed oil
        • 单体
        • Polyol
        • Corn syrup

        Key features and benefits

        • Reversible direction of flow with double acting relief valve option available
        • Coupled direct to NEMA or IEC motor for speed up to 1750 rpm
        • Directed coupled gearbox with NEMA or IEC electric motor eliminating alignment issues
        • Adjustable rotor end clearance without opening the system to the atmosphere
        • Torque capabilities in excessive of 800 ft-lb
        • Flow rates max. 90 m3/h with differential pressure up to max. 16 bar.
        • Iron, Steel and Stainless Steel construction
        • Tungsten Carbide abrasive wear materials are available for abrasive duty applications
      • ROTAN® - CHD

      • Chocolate pump designed for pumping media with high viscosity

        DESMI delivers technically advanced pumping solutions for the Chocolate Industry. ROTAN®can offer a complete series of internally toothed gear pumps in cast iron, carbon steel and stainless steel.

        Pumping of:

        • 可可弥撒(酒 - 无糖)
        • Melange (mixed recipe ingredients)
        • Conched chocolate
        • Finished chocolate (after tempering)
        • White chocolate (+sugar)
        • Caramel cream
        • 牛奶巧克力
        • Dart Chocolate
        • Couverture (No sugar)


        • 增加维护之间的平均时间
        • Prevent pump seizures
        • Reduce house-keeping
        • 减少库存
        • Increase your profitability
      • ROTAN® - GP

      • 简单而紧凑的非植物液体的结构

        General Purpose Internal gear pumps in cast iron, for clean, non-abrasive liquids. The simple and compact construction makes it a low-cost pump, often used in modified versions by OEM customers

        • Capacity Range: Up to 50 m3/h / 396 gpm
        • Speed: Up to 1750 rpm
        • 差压力:最多16 bar / 232 psi
        • Suction Lift: Up to 0,5 bar / 7.25 psi vacuum while priming
        • Up to 0,8 bar / 11.6 psi vacuum while pumping
        • Viscosity Range: Up to 7500 cSt
        • Temperature: Up to 150°C / 302° F

        Pumping of:

        • Clean oil
        • Vegetable oil
        • Solvents
        • 润滑油Waste oil
        • Fish oil

        Key features and benefits

        • Flexible sealing options
        • Opposing inlet and outlet connections with oversized ports
        • Shaft supported by two ball bearings in single sealed configuration
        • Self-priming with large suction capabilities
        • Low NPSH requirements
        • 自我排水,整体安全浮雕阀
        • No speed reduction required in six smaller sizes
        • Complete heating/cooling jacketing available

      • Rotan® -CD

      • 旨在处理腐蚀液体的内部齿轮泵

        ROTAN®CD - Chemical Duty. Internal gear pumps in stainless steel, designed to handle corrosive liquids.

        • Capacity Range: Up to 250 m3/h / 1100 gpm
        • Speed: Up to 1750 rpm
        • 差压力:最多16 bar / 250 psi
        • 吸气升力:启动时最多可达0.5 bar / 15“ hg真空
        • Up to 0.8 bar / 24" Hg vacuum while pumping
        • Viscosity Range: Up to 250,000 cSt
        • Temperature: Up to 250°C / 482° F

        Pumping of:

        • 有机酸
        • Fatty acid
        • Alkali
        • Caustic soda
        • Polymer solutions
        • 肥皂
        • Shampoo
        • 动物脂肪
        • Vegetable fat
        • Chocolate
        • Other special fluids
        • Resin
        • Paint
        • 松香

        Key features and benefits

        • Flexible sealing options
        • “真”背拉设计
        • Opposing inlet and outlet connections with oversized ports
        • Shaft supported by two ball bearings in single sealed configuration
        • Self-priming with large suction capabilities
        • Low NPSH requirements
        • 自我排水,整体安全浮雕阀
        • No speed reduction required in six smaller sizes
        • Complete heating/cooling jacketing available
      • ROTAN® - PD

      • 用于炼油厂和石化应用

        Petrochemical Duty PD are internal gear pumps designed for refinery and petrochemical applications, all pressure-containing components are carbon steel. Design pressure according to ANSI 300 Lbs or Pn40.

        • Capacity Range: Up to 250 m3/h / 1100 gpm
        • Speed: Up to 1750 rpm
        • 差压力:最多16 bar / 232 psi
        • Suction Lift: Up to 0,5 bar / 7.25 psi vacuum while priming
        • Up to 0,8 bar / 11.6 psi vacuum while pumping
        • Viscosity Range: Up to 250000 cSt
        • Temperature: Up to 250°C / 482° F

        Pumping of:

        • 汽油
        • Gasoline
        • 润滑油
        • Grease
        • 其他碳氢化合物的流体
        • Additives
        • Bitumen
        • Polystyrene
        • Wax
    • Cases

    • Pumps for any application
      The key factors in all areas of the process industry are reliability, productivity and performance of the production plant.
        • Road construction company chooses ROTAN®asphalt and fueling Pumps

        • Haskell Lemon Construction Co.-领先的俄克拉荷马路建筑公司选择Rotan®asphalt and fueling Pumps
        • 30 years trouble free operation at Zeelandia

        • For more than 30 years, DESMI ROTAN®pumps have been used in the production facilities at Zeelandia. Today more than 65 pumps are in use and some are still running, even though they are 30 years old.
        • ROTAN ED for the Painting Industry

        • 自2014年3月以来,广州Strong Chemical Co.,Ltd。已成功使用了Rotan®ED泵,其满意度的一些亮点是:

          • Performance
          • Total Life Cycle Cost Benefits

          In total eight ROTAN® ED 101 stainless steel pumps have been installed together with frequency driven motors equipped with force ventilation fan in order to adjust the flow needed under different working conditions.

        • Pumps without breakdown for Campco Chocolate

        • Campco has used DESMI ROTAN® pumps, for many years without any breakdown. Campco is very much satisfied with the pump performance in the critical chocolate applications.

          Why Campco choose DESMI ROTAN® pumps:

          • Extremely good pump performance
          • DESMI独特的主轴承包括唇部密封件,以防止润滑脂肪“逃脱”和特殊支撑戒指,以将润滑脂肪固定在适当的位置,即使在润滑室的高压下,也有四个孔,分开90o,以便有效轴承的润滑。
        • 环保燃油装置

        • In South Africa there are many infrastructure projects which require either temporary or semi-permament fuel intallations (usually diesel). DESMI Modular S pumps are used for these installations.


          • Environmentally friendly
          • Portable
          • Easy to set up

          DESMI distributor in Southern Africa, Pumptec, has had a great deal of success in supplying Modular S pumps for containerized fuel units.

        • Huntsman looking for a better solution

        • Huntsman Holland produces raw materials for the polyurethanes industry. Due to pump problems, the company was looking for a better solution.

          在五个设施中,有许多用于运输各种原材料的泵。机械维护工程师RenéVande Vlugt说,以前使用了机械密封的泵,但实际上是有问题的。“在这种情况下,当这些泵显示出泄漏时,对于环境和人来说,这并不是一个特别大的问题。当与大气接触时,溢出的材料立即变硬了...

          A solution for this problem was found in magnetically coupled pumps from the ROTAN® ED Series.

        • Dan-Balt A/S - Pan European Terminals PLC

        • DESMI NSL centrifugal pumps for heavy fuel oil transfer at the Dan-Balt A/S terminal in Aaberaa, Denmark.

          General Manager Hardy Olsen requested pumps for the transfer of heavy fuel oil and the technical requirements for the future pumps were:

          • 1000 m3/h at 7.5 bar
          • 0.990 kg/l
          • 400 CST - 60oc

          DESMI’s solution was three DESMI NSL 200-415 inline centrifugal pumps with 200 kW 4-pole motors incl. frequency converters for more flexibility.

        • DESMI ROTAN®Pump in ABS Application

        • The pumping liquid is ABS, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene, a type of rubber solution widely used in the tire industry with low energy consumption, low noise and lighter weight.

          对于该项目,两个泵是处理培养基“橡胶溶剂+聚苯乙烯+HCN” -CDEXXM -3U332,并且由于HCN是一种非常有毒的介质,我们为这两个泵提供双api52齐平。其余七个泵处理矿物油,是我们的标准不锈钢和铸铁泵。在这一阶段项目之后,Huayi将启动另一个更大的ABS项目,因此毫无疑问,这是DesmiRotan®的战略项目。

        • Magnetic Driven Pumps in Molten Sulphur Service

        • Pumping Molten Sulphur is most challenging. Sulphur temperatures must be controlled within a 120-155o C range. Outside this temperature sulphur solidifies.

          Sulphur has a distinct odour and is highly corrosive in the presence of moisture. Where leakage from common packed style pumps was unacceptable, a ROTAN® magnetically driven pump unit was offered on a trial basis where the chemical is used in the production of soap and shampoo.

        • 华盛顿塔科马的声音炼油公司

        • 华盛顿塔科马的Sound Refining Inc.提供大量的液体储存和供应燃料,润滑剂以及其他产品和其他产品和服务,为西北太平洋地区的工业提供服务。

          Within Sound Refining, the larger, bulk handling DESMI / ROTAN® pumps are proven among a list of products that range from Asphalt to Ethanol and everything in between. ROTAN®’s 8” ported model HD201 delivers flows in excess of 600 gpm and includes a 100 HP speed reduction drive.

        • S. Dyrup&Co。领先的油漆制造商

        • One of Europe’s leading paint manufacturers inaugurates new facility: S. Dyrup & Co. select magnetically coupled ROTAN pumps.
          1998年夏天 - 欧洲领先的油漆和漆生生产商之一S. Dyrup&Co。为制造溶剂的油漆和木材防护剂安装了先进的工厂。
        • Polyurethane Foam/Isocyanate

        • Through the ages all kinds of seals have been used, from soft shaft seals to double mechanical shaft seals with DOP (dioctylphthalate) or mesamol under pressure between the seals. The results have been very mixed, but the risk of running into problems has been so big that it can only be recom-mended to implement these so-lutions if the customer himself takes the responsibility for the solution desired.


        • ROTAN®magnetically driven pumps

        • 使用的泵必须加热并具有耐磨轴承。

          Tar通常运输船只。博上的泵ard bring the tar to the storage tank from which it is pumped to the distillation towers where it is fragmented. During the process about half the tar ends up as pitch.

          This looks like a simple system but there are lots of details that have to be correct to avoid damage to the pumps. Koppers Denmark A/S are specialists in constructing pitch systems where ROTAN® magnetically driven pumps with bearings in solid tungsten carbide are used.

        • Pump Geared for Thin Film Evaporator

        • The pumps are used to transfer the highly purified liquids from film evaporator. Liquids could be lactic acid, fluid vitamin, vegetable oil or poly-glycol, kind of liquid fibre. Normally pump construction is CD26 with mechanical seal running at 500 rpm under differential pressure of 3~5 bar. The pumps are used with gearbox or equipped with Varied Frequency Driven motor.

          The liquid container is under high vacuum with evaporation distillation working on top, and the gear pump shall run at low speed to bring the NPSHr down to a level below NPSHa from the system. This is majorly determined by the installation height difference (liquid flow down by self-gravity).

          This is already the fifth time that Hexiang (the Thin Film Evaporator manufacturer) recommend the customers to choose or use DESMI ROTAN® gear pump, and we are glad to see this kind of strategic partnership bloom and grow.

        • The reliable solution for unsaturated Polyester Resin

        • Rotan Pumpengesellschaft GmbH built a test pump by means of standard parts from the CD + HD/PD pump ranges with stuffing box plus 2 special, machined parts as well as 2 special shaft seal rings and a ground rotor shaft coated with tungsten carbide at the shaft seal area. The pump was equipped with a short suction pipe from the seal housing to the suction side of the valve.

          该泵被称为CD81ERFT,代码3U22PAL,No. 268285,已与大约有间歇性职责。自1997年2月初以来,每天3-4小时,136 rpm x 5 bar x x。4000 CST,没有泄漏。

      • Applications

      • Pumps for any application

        The key factors in all areas of the process industry are reliability, productivity and performance of the production plant. These are precisely the parametres addressed by the DESMI range of products, systems and services for the industry segment. The applications covered within the Industry segment includes solutions for:

          • CHOCOLATE

          • DESMI has well over 50 years of experience in the production of pumps for the chocolate industry in close collaboration with some of the leading producers of plants.

            今天你会发现desmi rotan®pumps in chocolate factories and confectionaries all over the world. The special T2 tolerance and the unique chocolate seal of the ROTAN®CHD巧克力泵将永远改变您的巧克力操作。

          • Asphalt & Bitumen

          • DESMI has a full range of different pumps and matching equipment supporting the handing of bitumen products. Including unique features suited for today’s needs and new polymer based formulations, we have the solution

            . DESMI offers flexible and proven pump solutions with up to 12 pumps sizes for asphalt and bitumen applications. Proven sealing options are available for clean or abrasive asphalt solutions where there is concern about leakage. Several unique options are offered to secure a flexible design solution for the customer.

          • 油Blending

          • DESMI ROTAN®pumps are used by all major oil product manufacturers around the world. With a strong focus on the customers’ needs we aim to be the best application provider in the market.

            诸如油混合,添加剂混合和装饰润滑油的填充之类的操作是全自动批处理工艺,在平行线路内执行,每种均由一个搅拌器和一个称重的料斗组成。该过程需要高质量的泵,世界各地一直是一个可靠的合作伙伴,多年来我们的rotan®GP and HD series are designed for giving an accurate and constant flow to support this process.

          • Aquaculture (Fish Farming)

          • 可持续发展是一个key element in all areas of the AquaCulture industry. Productivity, performance, and reliability are essential parameters to consider without compromising sustainability. These are precisely the parameters addressed by the DESMI range of products and services for the AquaCulture industry.

            The ongoing rapid development in the AquaCulture industry is continuously affected by the population growth, which is increasing the demand for farmed fish and wild catch. The market demand for AquaCulture products forces fish farms around the globe to improve their existing production sites and develop new ones.

          • 淡化

          • Both thermal and membrane - DESMI has the pump to cover your needs Desalination is a process for producing drinking water and service water from seawater and with pumps from DESMI you are ensured a perfect desalination process.

            DESMI pumps are well-known all over the world for their long lifetime, low maintenance costs and low NPSH values. DESMI centrifugal pumps are an obvious choice for water purification systems or reverse osmosis (RO) treatment.

          • 异氰酸酯

          • 异氰酸酯is one of the components in broadly all foam products such as foam mattresses, inner linings in cars, cushioning in car seats, chairs and sofas. The hard qualities are used for insulation of houses, machines, tubes, etc.


          • 洒水系统

          • DESMI offers dimensioning and guidance when complete units for fire protection, including electronic control, are supplied.


            • DBI 25 I / 400 I
            • CEA 4001
            • EN12845
            • NFPA20
            • FM
            • VdS
          • Paint & Ink

          • The DESMI ROTAN®gear pumps are commonly used for paints, resins and coatings. For ink manufacturing and printing press applications, the HD series and specially fitted PD and ED magdrive pumps are being used.

            Coloured and protected surfaces provide added value as paints and enamels help to make products both more interesting and increase their life. That is why they are important finishing materials where care, environmentally-friendliness and reliability are needed in their supply and correct dosage.

          • Pulp & Paper

          • For decades DESMI ROTAN®gear pumps have been used throughout the world, successfully pumping a variety of liquids such as sulphate soap, tall oil, pitch fuel/oil, caustic soda, lignin, turpentine, resin, starch, and slurries in the pulp and paper industry.

            We have the products, the knowhow and the field experience to be the first choice supplier for positive displacement pump within heavy industry.

          • 肥皂和洗涤剂

          • 您备受尊敬的供应商

            While most manufacturers of detergent and soap products are medium size companies mixing various chemicals according to their own recipes, the chemicals are produced by world-wide chemical companies. DESMI is a well-respected supplier of pumps for these applications.

            特殊功能和产品需求对于成为该领域的供应商是必需的。Desmi有产品要求,并有大量Rotan®pumps in operation.

          • Sugar & Molasses

          • The DESMI ROTAN®泵用于从甘蔗和甜菜汁到糖蜜和成品糖解决方案的不同糖产品泵送。

            The sugar products supplied direct from the sugar mill is chemically neutral whereas imported sugar products may contain small amounts of formic or sulphuric acid in order to prevent fermentation during transportation. Sugar products containing acid may cause corrosion in cast iron pumps so in some cases stainless steel pumps should be used.