  • 提供个人资料
  • Ammeraal Beltechis a global market leader in the design, manufacturing, fabrication and servicing of high-quality, high-performance process and conveyor belts, available today in 150 countries around the world.
Product Portfolio
  • 行业

      • Airports

      • 数字正在上升;机场比以往任何时候都忙。旅客行李是机场管理的重要方面,并且安全地行驶的速度速度将直接影响整体机场效率和消费者满意度。Ammeraal Beltech腰带正在全球机场提供出色的服务。让我们帮助您保持乘客的前进。
      • 汽车

      • Reliability, high efficiency, safety and low total cost of ownership are all key factors in achieving high performance.

        We’ve developed belting solutions for almost every conveying application and our belts are being used in all areas of automotive manufacturing plants and other vehicle handling systems around the world.

      • Carton, Paper & Packaging Materials

      • Ammeraal Beltech皮带,以纸箱和盒子折叠行业的速度和准确性。

      • 食物

      • 食品安全和卫生始终是食品行业必须的。我们知道这一点,因为Ammeraal Beltech始于面包带!在过去的65多年中,我们与面包店业务合作,与他们一起寻找新的解决方案,以应对该行业提出的所有挑战。我们也准备为您提供帮助。
      • Logistics

      • 物流需要速度,准确性和可靠性,这正是Ammeraal Beltech Belting Solutions为您提供的。

        一个正在移动的行业 - 和一个可以帮助您交付的合作伙伴。

        We can find the right belt for every process in your operation.

      • Metal

      • Ammeraal Beltech具有专门设计的线圈包装机和用于运输板的皮带,以及用于挤出和合成皮带的毛毡皮带,用于裂缝和抛光。

        Ammeraal Beltechhas combined innovative materials and experience-led design to develop the best possible belting solutions for the Metal Industry.

      • Textile

      • 纺织品,纱线和织物制造
        Ammeraal Beltech为最重要的纺织品部门提供皮带类型。我们的全面范围围绕六个产品组建造:
        • 过程和输送带
        • RAPPLON® High Performance Flat Belts
        • Endless Woven Belts
        • 正时皮带
        • Uni模块化带
        • Engineered Belts
      • 烟草

      • 烟草和Ammeraal Beltech拥有悠久的历史。我们已经与领先的烟草加工设备制造商以及世界上最重要的烟草公司合作,并知道他们面临的独特挑战。

        Leaf hands, loose leaf, tipped and butted tobacco, threshed, dried and packed tobacco – the production stages that tobacco passes through all have very different application requirements.


      • Tire

      • Within the Tire Industry, Ammeraal Beltech has been setting the standard for many years with consistent high product quality and market-specific features. Innovations over the years, close co-operation with customers and leading research institutions have resulted in a number of new concepts.

        例如。模块化带提供长期的使用寿命和可靠的性能,减少维护问题并提高输出。更重要的是,当它们是我们的Uni CPB,Uni Owl,Uni QNB或Uni MPB之类的金属可检测皮带时,就不会对挤出机头有任何损坏。借助我们广泛的解决方案,所有解决方案都具有出色的发行属性,自我跟踪和易于安装,每个应用程序都有一条皮带。
      • 木头

      • 我们广泛的解决方案和高质量产品的声誉,这些产品在漫长的一生中以及我们出色的服务网络以及优秀的服务网络都使我们成为一个值得信赖的行业合作伙伴。
      • 跑步机

      • Working with OEMs, Ammeraal Beltech has developed a range of energy-saving superior performance treadmill belts for health clubs, hotels, medical centers and home gyms. We also supply special belts with waterproof cold-resistant top cover material for aqua gym treadmills.


        可以使用品牌徽标或其他将持续时间持续到皮带的品牌徽标或其他标记来定制Ammeraal Beltech跑步机皮带。

      • Coating & Lamination

      • Ammeraal Beltech, one of the leading suppliers in Europe in the belting area, specializes in coating and laminating the most diverse technical fabrics and sheet materials.
        Using double belt presses, lamination systems, extruders and mixers in a production space of over 85,000 sq ft, Ammeraal Beltech Switzerland offers an almost endless choice of product combinations for the manufacture of simple or complex composites.安全气囊涂料
        第一批安全气囊在1997年与德国汽车行业合作在Ammeraal Beltech Switzerland工厂覆盖。该设施现在是欧洲最大的安全气囊涂料企业。申请领域:
        • Coatings in the sports segment
        • Foil lamination for the Automotive Industry
        • Decor in interior design
        • 多层过滤膜
        • Release liners in the Wood and Paper Industry
    • 皮带

        • Synthetic Belts

        • 我们的全面合成带范围能够满足对重处理和传达应用的光线的应用需求。

        • Modular Belts

        • Modular Belts are positive drive, low-noise and long lasting.


        • Endless Woven Belts

        • 具有独特特征的独特皮带

          When the absence of a splice is important (or if the splice on a belt is proving problematic), or if you need higher belt strength or wish to ensure continuous product quality, or if a belt needs to absorb moisture or extreme preciseness is required, Ammeraal Beltech’s Endless Woven Belts are the right solution.
          • 杰出的力 /伸长属性
          • 工作温度范围:从-112°F到662°F
          • Belt tension up to 450 N/mm Belt speeds up to 65 f/s
          • 可用于小皮带轮和/或刀边缘
          • 耐磨性
          • Heavy duty applications
        • Ziplink®皮带

        • ZipLink® is the ultimate solution to drop expensive machine downtime and improve performance and quality output. In every industry machine downtime is public enemy number 1. ZipLink® is the solution! ZipLink® Belts can be installed in minutes on the large majority of equipment without the need of specialised labour or external service. This resulting in major savings and extra production time!


          Our ZipLink® Belts have no extra thickness spots, or metal part to damage machineries and goods. Better quality of products!
        • 轻巧的橡胶带

        • 在我们的现代生产设施中,我们比其他任何皮带制造商都产生了更多的轻质橡胶皮带风格和变化。


        • 塑料链

        • Innovative and flexible chain solutions for all applications and industries.

        • 伏尔塔腰带

        • Volta Belting的均匀皮带以其高材料强度,尺寸的精确性和稳定性而闻名。这些材料是耐磨损的,对水,油和其他液体的不透水。它们易于在现场安装,对工作区域的污染最少,如果损坏,可以通过闭上眼泪或更换部分进行有效修复。

          在一般行业中,皮带通过提供较高的耐用性(“一生”)并节省了维护和停机时间来自行融入其中。Volta Belts为专业行业提供服务,例如:


          • Meat & Poultry
          • 鱼类和海鲜
          • 蔬菜加工
          • Bakery & Confectionery
          • 乳制品

          Volta Belting also offers the largest range of round and trapezoid (V) profiles. In a number of key industries, the profiles can be used as rings to drive roller beds.

        • RAPPLON® High Performance Flat Belts

        • Ammeraal Beltechoffers a complete range of high-quality Power Transmission Belts for industry, suitable for a wide variety of production equipment.

          From classic nylon core belting to belt constructions with special fabrics for low tensions and thermoplastic inner layers, we can offer you the best belting solution for your specific application.


          • 稳定的高速运行
          • 出色的跟踪
          • Wear-resistant
          • 无维护
          • 高效节能
        • 正时皮带

        • The Timing Belt range offered by Ammeraal Beltech is the ideal solution if your product or production process demands accurate synchronisation of time and distance.


          Ammeraal Beltech正驱动器正时皮带:用于无滑或同步输送,以重复使用产品的精确定位。
        • Engineered Belts

        • In addition to the more common belts we keep in stock, we also have a vast range of custom made belt options available for clients to choose from.

        • Ultrasync带

        • 用于积极的驱动和同步输送Ultrasync腰带是基于织物的积极推动lts, combining the advantages and characteristics of synthetic conveyor belts and positive drive belts like modular and timing belts.
          • 同步输送和定位
          • 食品加工
          • 轮胎和木材加工线
          • 包装机和线条
          • Hygienic paper production lines
          • 真空应用
          • Improved tracking & non-stick profiles
          • 即使在潮湿和油腻的条件下也没有打滑
          • 双向输送
          • 减少维护
          • 有食物等级
          • 可用于蓝色可用于检测污染
        • 均匀的圆形和v带

        • 在许多食品行业加工应用中,食品级聚氨酯和聚酯圆形和V带最适合满足应用要求,尤其是在处理切成薄片的肉类,奶酪以及浇灌和包装线时。

          • 食品加工
          • 运输系统
          • 冷却线
          • Topping lines
          • 包装线
        • 超级腰带

        • 超级式网状带由聚酯单丝制成,并用侧面和纵向条制成,以提供稳定性。所有皮带都有完全关闭的皮带边缘,以改善卫生和安全性。需要排水时的一个绝佳选择,例如在蔬菜,水果和海鲜的加工中。
        • PTFE Belts

        • Ammeraal Beltech’s PTFE belts are the smart solution for a wide variety of baking and freezing applications.

          • High-temperature or open-flame ovens (e.g. pita & piadina bread)
          • 不粘应用
          • Press-baking processes (e.g. tortillas, pizza bases, flatbreads)
          • Cryogenic freezing chambers