Business Profile

OWIS GmbH was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Staufen near Freiburg, in South-Western Germany. Our 50 employees ensure excellent products and consistent customer service. We are very proud to be a successful family-owned company.

开发、生产、销售为一体的公司and services optical beam handling as well as highly precise positioning systems – still according to the maxim »Made in Germany«. Information technology, mechanical engineering, biotechnology, medicine, image processing and printing industry are some of our product application areas.

An own development and an ultramodern manufacturing make OWIS to your perfect system partner in connecting macro, micro and nano worlds. This ideal combination enables short-term adjustments to our catalogue products – up to customized solutions.

We dedicate all our activities to constantly developing the OWIS® products and improving internal processes and at the same time to continuously deepening our knowledge and experience. Because we are sure: This is the only guarantee for steady customer satisfaction and future success.

Our strength is based on the innovation capacity and market orientation, which have tradition with OWIS from the very beginning. As a system partner to our customers we take special responsibility in continuously developing and improving our product portfolio to meet our customers’ needs.