

布雷特福德(Bretford)从成立开始,领导了动画生存。布雷特福德(Bretford)由罗斯(Russ)和爱德华·彼得里克(Edward Petrick)兄弟公司(Brothers Russ)和爱德华·彼得里克(Edward Petrick)兄弟公司(Edward Petrick)与两名员工建立,是一家工具和死亡金属冲压公司,他发现自己制造了一个奇怪的物品:吹风机,烧烤烟和阳光照料的物品。然而,在60年代,该公司重新集中并迅速升起,以回答正在发展的视听行业的需求。埃德(Ed)和戴夫·佩特里克(Dave Petrick)兄弟(Russ of Russ)在60年代后期进入该公司,到70年代后期,布雷特福德(Bretford)是学校和机构的AV设备的主要提供商。70年代也要求复印台,而80年代则看到与电视相关产品的销售增加和投影屏幕的引入。在80年代中期购买了木制造工厂后,布雷特福德开始为其金属家具制作木材和层压板。现在有了必要的资源,布雷特福德开始营销会议室家具 - 低端和两种颜色,但是一条综合的线条。大约在这个时候,一位经销商向克里斯·佩特里克(Chris Petrick)(戴夫的儿子)和克里斯(Chris)的纪念者,国家合同销售经理伯克·奎因(Burke Quinn一站式购物选项。如果他们可以将界限提高到更高的质量水平,那么他们就会做到这一点。 So, they did. With input from end users and the guidance of designers during an 18-month period, Bretford conceived, designed, engineered, and brought to market the Presentation Environments line at NeoCon 1995. The series is handsome--a departure from Bretford's history of a more functional aesthetic--and complete, including everything from tables, to AV support furniture, TV mounts, presentation boards and lecterns. Bretford now offered a total solution. Since its introduction, components of the line--the TransTable, Media Cart, Hospitality Cart, Powered Conference Table and Recessed Monitor Table--have been chosen five years in a row for Best of NeoCon awards. Bretford prides itself on being a quality manufacturer in many facets including the contract furniture market, office furniture market, audio visual market and educational market. Excerpt taken from March 1998 Facilities Design & Management.