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  • 当代办公室的墙壁,桌子和椅子

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  • A care for detail and for chromatic and textural combinations are at the basis of the Methis office world philosophy. The office becomes the mood of those who work there, as a garment can tell of suggestive scenarios where the most fascinating principle becomes the absence of the characteristic features of these places, in the search for increasingly more absolute spaces.
  • Evosystem是一个集成系统,由双面板墙和门组成,并具有优雅的饰面以及独家的高质量材料(陶瓷,单板,漆MDF,三聚氰胺饰面,涂漆,磨砂和透明玻璃)的独家收藏。可以创建各种各样的定制解决方案,从而使系统可以用于设计将装饰商的创意FL空气结合起来的定制分区,并需要有效地合理化可用空间。统一的构造概念使产品可以彼此完美整合,并实现可用空间的自定义和功能用途。
    Integrated architecture inspired evosystem: walls, structures, external cladding, floors, false ceilings and wire management create the intelligent synergies of a unitary architectural project.

    • 墙上的系统结构框架esigned for executive offices and featuring partitions, storage walls and wall cladding. A comprehensive collection of quality finishes (ceramic, veneer, lacquered mdf and painted glass) gives life to harmonious and creative tailor-made offices with an extremely stylish look. It is also possible to create radically different "office worlds"
    • EVO工作

    • 墙上的系统结构框架esigned for office environments and featuring partitions, storage walls and wall cladding. A comprehensive array of modules to suit the most diff erent planning requirements. Quick to erect and handle on the installation site since they can be adjusted on the spot, simplifying all the assembly work and facilitating area re-confi gurations.

    • Evosquare是甲壳的新型板玻璃壁系统。它具有有趣的四边形截面轮廓,可实现出色的外观和清醒的现代线条。轻巧的隔板可充分利用房间中的光度。它们也可以与EVO双板分区墙系统一起使用。可以“量身定制”并尺寸适合每个项目的要求的墙壁。

    • Glazed modules with transparent, frosted or painted safety glass. Solid modules in lacquered or fair-faced MDF, laminated, wood, metal panels. Sliding and swing doors in hardened glass or solid with laminate finish.

    • 综合的门集与双板和单窗格墙完全匹配。许多不同的类型(秋千,滑动,双窗格和单板,带有铝制框架或无框),具有优雅的fi nishes和时尚,铰链和手柄。可提供各种材料(陶瓷,木质贴面,层压板,涂漆,磨砂,透明玻璃)。
    • HOOK

    • “金属建筑是向让·普鲁维(JeanProuvé)致敬的。不仅仅是一个分区,但是一个建设性的系统,关节消失在金属的褶皱中。瓦楞纸漆的系统像打孔卡或音乐得分一样定期刺穿。墙成为无限潜力的装置,可以装有各种货架和配件。”
    • Evo Plus

    • Evoplus是新的“总”分区系统,具有无连接的,完美整合双板和单板玻璃墙,空白墙壁和存储单元。墙壁可以轻松组装并重新组装以获得不同的配置。
  • Desking ranges

  • 甲壳presents a complete range of office tables. The Methis collections are comprehensive enough to furnish any type of room setting: from the refined and textural elegance of the “Delta Executive” collection to the rational functionality of Cloversystem, without forgetting the Delta Work integrated filing system with its modern lines. A wide range of cabinets rationalizes the available space and provides filing arrangements for every need.
    • 三角洲执行官

    • Delta Executive is the collection of executive office furniture by Methis and features a wealth of stylish and extremely eye-catching furnishing solutions. Besides achieving a formally clean-cut effect, the triangular section of the monolithic side panel provides all the elements with a light yet compact structure. Elegant finishes and the many textural combinations available (ceramic, walnut and wengè wood, painted glass, lacquered mdf, chromium plated and painted frameworks) can be used to “imagine” uncluttered office environments that are as refined as they are unexpected.
    • deltawork

    • Deltawork是Delta系统的简单简单版本,包括基本的模块化元素,当有意合并在一起时,可以以功能和正式和谐的方式提供整个办公室环境,从单个工作站到具有集成归档设施的系统。严格的简单设计是基于单片侧面面板的三角形部分的正式建议,该部分使所有元素既紧凑又光线。大量的配置允许计划适合许多不同的工作方式:个人和小组工作,为在一个地方工作的工人和必须四处走动的工人的站点,并具有最大的解决方案从可用的空间中出发,并允许与客人互动。

    • 确保用户始终采用相同姿势的智能系统,具有不同的人类特征。调整高度(680-760毫米范围)的“向上和下”机构通过按下脚并提高顶部来激活。
      A system of sturdy, light, perfectly ergonomic tables that can be used to form a wide variety of configurations, with particular attention to comfort and a careful choice of materials.

    • 甲壳组织提出了大量橱柜和家具配件。解决办公室中任何形式的文档或对象的解决方案能够实现高效且合理的归档和存储。

    • 三叶草系统是具有强大建筑特征的开创性办公室装饰系统。
  • 椅子

  • IVY is much more than an office chair. Stylish design, technological research, the choice of materials and the attention paid to environmental matters make IVY a groundbreaking project engineered with man’s well-being and comfort in mind.
    The my and talk chairs for dynamic working office environments complete the range.

    • 享有声望和优雅的扶手椅,并具有清醒的设计。它的明显个性结合了技术,人体工程学和优秀材料,以完美的风格平衡。带有内置头枕的低版本和高版本可用。
    • Ivy-Pro

    • Dynamic, professional chair with exclusive ergonomic features. Comfort, technology, design and innovation blend to create a smart product planned for Man’s well-being.
    • 常春藤工作

    • 一种简单,灵活且有利的“工作工具”,结合了高效的办公室产品产品的设计功能,质量和舒适性。

    • The visitor’s chair of the ivy collection is comfortable and elegant, perfect for meetings, hosting and informal gatherings. Available with and without armrests, on wheels or stationary.
    • MY

    • The personal chair for use in the office. The dynamic, comfortable chair that’s designed to adapt easily to every individual. The my collection includes a vast range of models: two alternative mechanisms (synchro, permanent contact) and upholstery in Crep and Polefin flameproof fabrics available in many different colors.
    • TALK

    • Light, safe, versatile: talk caters for the multiple needs in collective office areas. Comfort and convenience in an ideal synthesis. Models with padded seats-backrests or with just the seat upholstered in flameproof Crep or Polefin fabric, available in various different colors or alternatively, with the backrest and seat in polypropylene. Both versions come with and without armrests and feature a simple, sturdy structure made of steel coated with black paint