
1958年,Archiutti的商业根源在50'结束时在威尼托农村地区。在他的父亲曾经建造自行车和摩托车的车间中,年轻的Tullio Archiutti,由几个学徒的协助,启动了工匠制作的金属咖啡厅桌子和椅子。该产品的出口适合性从一开始就很明显,很快它们就被派往其他欧洲国家,例如德国,荷兰和奥地利。1960年,随着该公司的人力资源池的增长,它发现自己需要更大的场所,因此当前生产工厂的第一块砖是在Olmi铺设的。如今,该建筑物的尺寸约为23,000 MQ。在此期间,该公司保持了原始工匠的方法,每个细节都得到了关注,但也逐渐引入了现代机械和设备。它未来发展的路线是新兴的。新的想法诞生了,创建了新产品:添加了桌子和货架,后来,伍德被努力到时尚家,最后是办公室家具。1970年,七十年代的Archiutti专门从事办事处,供应不断改善和全自动生产过程。如今,Archiutti的产品范围从行政木桌到呼叫中心的高科技工作站,从移动房间隔板到会议室设备以及银行和公共公司的家具。 Every process is carried out with same care as in the old shop and every detail taken into account. Our ways guarantee the best quality, and our ISO 9001: 2000 certificate proves it. Sales recorded for 2005 were around 18 million euros, subdivided as follows: wood products made up 60%, other materials were 40%; national consumption covered 55% and exports 45% (mostly EC countries). Dividing systems made up 20% of the sales, while integrated work stations took up 35%, and individual work stations covered the remainder. Distribution in Italy is handled by authorised retailers and area agents, while abroad (mainly Europe) it is generally dealt with by leading local organisations.