

Knoll®,Inc.是办公家具设计和制造的全球领导者,为办公和住宅用途提供优雅构思,创意产品。Knoll的设计理念与我们致力于与世界上杰出的设计师合作,开发令人愉悦和鼓舞人心的产品密不可分。自1938年成立以来,我们已经获得了数百个设计奖项。我们的KnollStudio®现代经典系列包括行政办公室和尊贵住宅的座位,桌子和办公桌。KnollStudio代表了精致设计的标志性作品,体现了优雅,工艺和标志性的细节。Knoll办公产品线包括办公系统,办公座椅,木制和金属办公桌,文件和存储,办公配件,织物和皮革。我们的设计原则植根于客户的需求。我们的理念:将扎实的工作场所研究与创新思维相结合,创造独特、高效的工作场所,以满足企业独特且不断变化的需求。Knoll在世界各地都有分店。在北美,我们通过300多家经销商和100多家展厅和地区办事处为客户提供服务。 In Europe, Knoll is represented in showrooms and by dealers in all major cities. Throughout Asia and Latin America, independently owned dealers and licensees serve Knoll clients. Knoll operates four manufacturing sites in North America, with plants in East Greenville, PA; Grand Rapids and Muskegon, MI; Toronto, ON. In addition, the company has plants in Foligno and Graffignana, Italy. All Knoll plants are registered under ISO 9000, an internationally developed set of quality criteria for manufacturing operations. The Knoll headquarters is located in East Greenville, Pennsylvania.


  • 家具系统:模块化办公桌系统
  • 家具系统:模块化系统
  • 家具系统:工作站