
平板支撑可以追溯到一百多年前。公司由Karl Plank于1893年创立,一直由父亲传给儿子,直到今天,这是意大利最好企业的传统。最初传给小卡尔,然后传给他的儿子马丁,马丁自1979年以来一直经营这家公司,最近又得到了他儿子迈克尔的帮助,公司在这段时间里已经从一个工匠起源转变为一个工业企业。今天普兰克的生产利用先进的自动化系统,无论何时,这将允许成本和产品质量之间的最佳平衡;尽管如此,手工能力不可或缺的工艺的某些方面仍然是手工的。普兰克公司生产的椅子各不相同。产品种类繁多,力求满足市场的需求,特别注重,自马丁·普朗克主理以来,在设计项目时,力求产品更有意义,更注重实用性与审美价值的和谐结合。它们全部或主要由木材制成,注定了不同的用途和空间,它们以相同的基本品质呈现出来,其简单性是技术研究的本质,正确地解决了获得形式和功能的和谐,而不仅仅是理论。普兰克哲学提供了一种现代的产物,因为它符合当今世界所需要的对即时性的渴望,同时,它能够收集自己时代的建议和影响。这并不意味着将自己与日常时尚捆绑在一起,而是尽可能长时间地符合一些人的个人品味,如果可能的话,符合许多人的个人品味。 The Plank products do not need to be placed in homogeneous surroundings; rather, their vocation is that of cohabitation, of exchange, of the idea of modernity - a research through everyday use and aesthetics. Quality and Ecology Situated close to the border, in the district Alto Adige, the company has been able to make good use of the characteristics of the two countries it is close to, creating a cultural symbiosis that has enabled it to earn a solid reputation, capable of evolving and of living the present fully, without ever forsaking the high quality standards that have always been a trademark of its products. The artisan made object, durable in style and reliable in the workmanship, has by and by transformed itself into the industrial product of nowadays, capable of being offered to an international market, but as in the past, solid, reliable and confident also in its looks. On the other hand this capability of offering quality of the materials and of the workmanship, so typical of the attentive and refined work of an artisan, would not have been possible to maintain in an industrial type of production without the experience acquired over the years. The Plank company has always been close to the needs of efficient managing and was one of the first in Italy to receive the ISO 9001 quality certifications. In the year 2009 the company adapted to the new quality requirements and is nowadays in possession of an integrative management system according to ISO 9001:2008. The innovative philosophy of their new system of responsibility towards the environment views this last and our natural resources as properties of the collectivity and affirms the social and economical importance of giving them full value and respect through a sensible management.


  • 设计客厅桌子
  • 家庭办公家具:椅子
  • 家庭办公家具:转椅
  • 客厅茶几
  • 客厅台灯桌
  • 客厅临时桌
  • 客厅座位:椅子1/2
  • 客厅座位:椅子和扶手椅
  • 客厅座位:凳子
  • 客厅座位:传统的椅子和扶手椅
  • 客厅座位:软垫椅
  • 客厅座椅:柳条椅
  • 客厅桌子