
奥尔巴尼门系统的母公司奥尔巴尼国际公司在1968年发明了世界上第一台高速卷帘门,开创了高性能门行业。为什么采用高性能门:许多公司还没有发现高性能门的众多优点。他们继续依赖性能较低的传统工业门,无法满足当今竞争激烈的商业环境所需要的快节奏和快速响应能力。传统的工业门重、慢、容易机械磨损。高性能门通过添加新的功能元素来改进传统门。高性能门的特点是速度更快,更耐用,更可靠,节省时间和金钱。快速的开启和关闭速度使材料更有效地流动,并通过比低性能的同类产品更快地密封门的开口,节省能源成本。此外,高性能门通常更大,运行周期更高,并纳入先进的安全功能。高性能门是低性能工业门的高价值替代品。奥尔巴尼门系统的高性能门被设计成可以承受甚至最恶劣的环境条件。 Made using strong, long-lasting fabrics, and durable steel and/or aluminum mechanical components Albany doors are built to last. In fact, there are many Albany doors in use today that have been operating for well over one million cycles, some for as many as five million. The Albany Advantage: Albany Door Systems listens to you, the customer, understands your needs, and then defines a custom high speed door solution to meet those needs. We continually offer customer-focused, innovative solutions, whether it be through product application, dealer services, or after market assistance. Our consultative sales approach supports you every step of the way. Years of experience and knowledge combined with the power of global research and development have enabled us to build superior products that increase savings and productivity for our customers. Albany Door Systems has put the people and processes in place to focus on bringing value to you, our customer.


  • 工厂门系统
  • 高性能门
  • 高速工业门