
我们制作家具。人的家具。有意义的家具。我们希望人们能够舒适地坐着,无论他们身在何处:在会议室,在机场,办公室或剧院里。这就是为什么我们生产家具来满足整个工作和生活环境的原因。该家具是在我们在Rheinau自己的工厂中生产的,确保我们的产品质量出色,而且工艺和材料是完美的。当家具满足用户的需求100%时,只能将家具描述为适合目的。在设计和制造方面,这就是我们的精神。布伦纳公司历史向其说话:今天的家族企业成立于30年前,当时罗尔夫·布鲁纳(Rolf Brunner)刚刚完成了职业培训,成为一名银行家,并正在为家具制造商工作。当海德堡大学证明太要求客户和他的老板想拒绝该命令时,罗尔夫突然宣布他将满足需求,这是他的唯一责任。 His entrepreneurial ambition had been awakened: He took a loan from the bank and from his grandfather and, together with his wife Helena, he founded his own company. Assembly, packaging and delivery was done by themselves, and the order was transported in an old Red Cross bus to the client’s doorstep – on time and to the client’s entire satisfaction. So even this first order was a custom-made product, a chair with a special width made specifically for the University’s lecture halls. Furniture that makes sense This distinct customer orientation has remained the company’s hallmark. Rolf Brunner visited his customers, took a good look at the situation, did personal consultation himself – this special chair for that special floor etc. In the beginning, it was all about big halls – multi-purpose halls and convention halls were the latest craze in the late 70s. And when the respective applications called for modifications of the models, Brunner would find a solution. For more than 30 years, the company has been developing their own models, by now more than 100 series. And still to this day, modifying products according to the clients’ needs is a Brunner specialty – no problem thanks to their own manufacturing facilities. Or new products are being developed in co-operation right from the very start: this is how the comfort seat for the plaza series has been developed together with Porsche. The name as guarantee It has always been the ambition of Brunner to fulfill the most diverse demands on chairs and their properties and to find an answer to practically all situations in which people sit. This also means to always propose new things, not to be content with yesterday’s results – but to present even better solutions, and even more adequate answers to very specific demands. Brunner GmbH still is a family-owned company, by now in its second generation: Marc, the son, is acting as third managing director beside his parents. And the fact that the family name is also the company name is no coincidence. Because there’s probably no better guarantee for quality, timely delivery and the right chair in the right place than one’s own name.