

欢迎来到纳贾德-一个现代船坞在瑞典西海岸开发和建造安全,舒适的远洋帆船的最高质量在世界各地的长距离水手。Najad船厂于1971年在瑞典西海岸的Orust岛上建立。奥罗斯特以其悠久的造船艺术传统而闻名。从第一个纳贾德被绘制的时候起,船厂的未来就被确定了——为全世界的长途水手建造适航、舒适质量的船。这个目标仍然成立。北欧国家、西欧和日本是纳杰码最重要的市场。该院子在所有市场附近运作,并在许多国家拥有自己的销售办事处。1991年8月,Najad船厂搬进了全新的5,500平方米的生产厂房。在这个新建筑中,我们可以同时为我们的瑞典和国际客户生产多达18艘船。这个船厂是专门为生产帆船而建造的。我们每年建造大约80艘船。 With 115 employees, the Najad yard is one of the largest boat-builders in Sweden. All boats are built according to specifications from Germanischer Lloyd and classed as per CE regulations for boat category A-Ocean. Experience meets new thinking After building and delivering more than 1500 boats we have developed unique craftsmanship skills and technical understanding of boat-building and the demands of the seagoing life. Resources which reveal themselves in the shape of today's fast, safe designs. The Najad 490, first launched in 1998, is an example in kind. A result of our partnership with Judel/Vrolijk & Co - one of the world's leading boat designers. Najad 490 is an upper strata ocean going cruising yacht which will withstand inspection from the most demanding sailors. And we will soon be launching our new Najad 373, the second result of our co-operation with Judel/Vrolijk & Co. Quality is an investment Although we employ the series production methods of modern times and include ready-made components in our boats, we are constantly striving to retain the traditions of hand craftsmanship. Each new Najad launched is a result of personal involvement and professional skill. A Najad is always well built, always timeless and gives you first class sailing performance. The well proven construction materials and the superb component and joinery work ensure the long levity of our yachts and make them into sound investments.