

早在20世纪80年代早期,一些河流导游就在思考一种可以区分寒冷潮湿夜晚和干燥舒适夜晚的装备:干燥袋。他们想,为什么没有人做点什么来改进这个概念,而不仅仅是每个人都在使用的廉价滚筒式麻袋呢?它们只需要在里面装上适量的齿轮,精心地滚动和折叠。如果你想把那本旅游指南从箱底拿出来,接下来就要花上15分钟拆包和重新打包,只会发现一叠潮湿的书页。当然,除非你用垃圾袋把它内衬起来,“以防万一”。当不可避免的翻转、游泳和被钉时,很有可能每个人都在营火周围晒衣服,而不是唱歌。因此,他们列出了普通干袋的缺点,并发明了ZipDry®袋作为终极防水行李箱:首先,也是最明显的,是CLOSURE....-简单地滚动一堆东西不会阻止水淹没。解决方案:ZipDry®密封。把它像冷冻袋一样关上,里面的任何东西都受到保护——即使是在水下。 "Second was the FABRIC...." Even today, most bags are made from cheap PVC-coated fabrics. PVC is environmentally toxic ( hence the fumes when it has been out in the sun), becomes stiff when cold, and wears out quickly. Watershed uses only chemically stable polyurethane coated fabrics, featuring 4 times the abrasion resistance of PVC and flexibility at all temperatures. Finally, they worked out the DETAILS... that separate great gear from mediocre. Features like lash points and compression straps to secure the goods, no matter what happens. And a lengthwise opening for access to everything at once. These quality, handmade bags caught on, and soon raft guides around the world swore by ZipDry® for superior dry protection. Today, Watershed uses radio frequency energy to weld all of the seams on our bags. Through intensive quality assurance, including prolonged inflation testing, we produce truly waterproof bags that are guaranteed to be free of leaks. Through the years, the ZipDry® bag has evolved, but one thing has not changed: Watershed ZipDry® bags are still designed and made by whitewater boaters who care about gear that works.