

SeaView视频技术公司为海洋、商业和消费零售市场制造水下摄像机、灯和配件。该公司还开发和制造了一种利用独家专利技术的视频安全系统,使视频可以通过现有的电线传输。关键产品SecureView是一个灯泡摄像头和解码器系统。该公司通过以下渠道销售和分销其产品线:(1)直接面向公众和政府(2)通过约700个独立经销商的网络(3)通过不断扩大的零售商网络。生产是通过几家外部装配公司承包的。公司的许多产品都有注册商标。SeaView制造和生产一个独特的水下视频摄像机系列,利用特殊改进的CCD微型视频板与红外发射器。视频板是专门为公司生产的,针对水下应用的独特要求进行了专利修改。这些模块被放置在专利设计的外壳中,允许各种消费和商业配置。完整的现成系统还包括一个专有的观看罩,一个电视监视器,专有支架,一套连接器,适配器,电源组件,和一个手提箱。 The Company also manufactures an underwater lighting product, trademarked SeaLite. The SeaLite uses a powerful halogen lamp to attract baitfish, which attract predator fish. The SeaLite is also offered as a lighting accessory for the Company's camera packages. A proprietary cable clamp is available as an option for this application. Underwater camera systems are offered in three series: Super-Mini, Mini, and full size ("Offshore Series"). Infrared-enhanced black and white is standard; color is optional. Each respective series has a "TwinCam" package with both an IR/BW and a color camera probe. TrakView is an electronic device which overlays data from an external GPS receiver onto any video signal, allowing a camera user to see and record the exact position directly on the video picture.