导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H02:风帆游艇> Gozzard游艇



H. Ted Gozzard和他的家族从1970年开始从事造船行业,最初在安大略省的Bayfield开设了Bayfield boat Yard Ltd.。许多最初的贝菲尔德船现在仍在使用,并在世界各地吸引了一批忠实的追随者。单是这个家族就有近100年的游艇制造经验。H. Ted Gozzard于1981年7月出售了他在Bayfield的权益,此后不久,也就是1982年2月,位于安大略省哥德里奇的North Castle Marine ltd /Gozzard游艇公司成立。在北城堡海事有限公司/戈扎德游艇公司,著名的摩托艇——朝圣者40号——被设计和建造,以及现在被称为戈扎德游艇的美丽的帆船系列。今天,Gozzard游艇可以在31',36',37',41'和44'设计中找到。1983年,H. Ted Gozzard的两个儿子加入了公司。老大迈克作为生产经理,在公司的各个方面都发挥着积极的作用。韦斯开始是公司的室内装潢师,现在委托和交付船只。迈克的妻子伊丽莎白(莉兹)担任采购经理的职位。 Young Robin, son of Mike and Liz, works with the rest of the family during the summer holidays. Gozzard Yachts is truly a family-run Company. As the Company continues to grow, their dealers join them in the enthusiasm of building semi-custom yachts for those special people with a passion for sailing. Gozzard Yachts are designed for exacting people with a focus on details. Their Yachts are built with the finest materials available and careful considerations are made when construction begins to give their Yachts a personal touch that reflects the needs of each individual. They are constantly in contact with the dealer/customer at any or all stages of construction, as they understand the importance of owner involvement in the building process. They welcome visitors to their facilities at any time. If you are planning to visit the Goderich area, please call them to arrange for a Company tour. Come and see for yourself the excellent craftsmanship that sets Gozzard Yachts apart, in a class of its own. Feel and touch the quality that people around the world are talking about.