导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H06:小船水瓶座帆船



Aquarius Sail Inc.由Tom & Dianne Haberman于20世纪70年代初成立,为中西部水手提供帆、蹦床和帆布维修。几年之内,Aquarius Sail公司不仅从事帆船维修工作,还为双体船社区提供零部件和服务。1980年,Aquarius Sail的老板参观了芝加哥贸易展,遇到了来自一家名为formula Racing Sailboats的帆船公司的两位先生。其中一位先生是比尔·罗伯茨,他们正在宣传他们的新双体船设计,超级猫20。Aquarius Sail的船主对新设计印象深刻,他们立即签约成为超级猫双体船的首批经销商之一。20世纪80年代初,Aquarius Sail发生了许多变化,包括搬到更大的地点,为所有品牌和型号的帆船提供更广泛的零件选择,以及超级猫(SuperCat)经销商。80年代早期也为超级猫带来了许多变化,这些变化包括超级猫17号、超级猫19号、超级猫15号的引入,以及所有权变更为波士顿捕鲸船。在被波士顿捕鲸船公司拥有一年后,生产转移到加利福尼亚州的埃里克森游艇公司。1984年,超级猫的生产和管理在加州保留了两年,再次“出售”。Aquarius Sail公司的老板对超级猫的概念印象深刻,他们在1984年秋天收购了这家公司,并将生产和销售转移到明尼苏达州。 As the 1990s arrived Aquarius Sail teamed up with Bill Roberts of Roberts Catamarans to introduce the SC-22 and continue production of the RC-27, which Bill had developed on his own in the mid 1980's. The joining of forces between Aquarius Sail Inc. and designer Bill Roberts helped to develop the highest performance and quality catamarans available on the market today. Aquarius Sails has introduced Bill Roberts leading designs, in 1991 the SC-22/ARC-22, in 1996 the RC-30, and now in 2000 the ARC-21. Throughout the 1990s and now into the 21st. Century the products built and designed by the team of Aquarius Sail and Bill Roberts has raised the benchmark in high performance sailing. The recent name change of the SC-22 to ARC-22 reflects Aquarius Sails philosophy of being committed to a strict one design fleet program. The superior performance of the 22 design has been demonstrated in both long distance and triangle racing venues since 1992. The decision to solidify the design was in response to the current 22 owners desire to level the playing field in the future.