

直到今天,Cobalt船在坚韧的个人主义传统中,在拥有非凡技能的人的骄傲中,在一个小镇对未来不妥协的观念中,夜复一夜地抛锚。他们认识这些人,那些每天早上来造这些船的邻居。他们知道他们的祖父母和孙辈,第二代和第三代家庭正在制作cobalt的第四个十年。这些人扎根于农场和牧场,有着坚定的职业道德,他们切身体会到个人责任是如何服务于集体成就的。和Cobalt的创始人Pack St. Clair一起在小镇上长大的人有着伟大的想法。有地方感的人。还有时间。时间足够让我知道——对他们和你一样——梦想是流动的,只能在那一刻把握住,在生活的潮起潮落中度过美好的一天。Cobalt仍然是一家私人控股公司,其创始人仍然在掌舵,仍然从事钴设计和钴制造的日常管理,仍然拒绝承认足够好就是足够好。他们建造船只的前提是,在他们在纽德沙的所有工作中,没有一项工作比另一项更重要。 There are no assigned parking places here and, if their president arrives at work a few minutes late, he may expect to walk to his office from the far north parking lot. As Cobalt has grown to a company of nearly 600 associates, they try very hard to perpetuate the genuine sense of family that has characterized their interactions with each other from the beginning. And so again tomorrow they will do their part to nourish the implicit trust which underpins their relationships with Cobalt dealers, with Cobalt associates and, of course, with the remarkable people who own Cobalts. Boats born at the confluence of rivers. In a place where technology contributes in measurable ways to every component of a Cobalt's construction but where, in ways beyond measure, individual effort and personal integrity have refined the boat-builder's art over more than 30 years of ever more sophisticated design. In a place where a handshake is still sufficient to the sealing of a dream.