

埃尔默·克拉普迈尔(Elmer Klapmeier)在20世纪50年代初创办了蓝水游艇,因为他热爱户外活动,渴望睡在床上而不是铺盖上。他开发的第一艘船被用来将运动员从安大略省西北部的一个登陆点通过水路运送到数英里外的大本营。由于高质量的制造,其中一些船仍然在服役。埃尔默·克拉普梅尔(Elmer Klapmeier)拥有“游艇”(Boatel)这个名字的版权,并把他的工程师儿子带进了这个行业,通过一次乘船出游的方式,兼职从事这项业务。吉姆·克拉普梅尔(Jim Klapmeier)随后带着一位朋友加入了一家名为“北方浮动旅馆”(Northernaire Floating Lodges)的企业。他们有了在美国和加拿大边境的雨湖上租用克拉普迈尔建造的船只的想法。1958年,公司更名为“游艇公司”,吉姆加入他父亲的全职工作,增加对北方的服务,并在美国各地提供游艇。到20世纪60年代中期,Boatel的市场已经扩展到整个北美,公司建造了更大的设施来满足不断增长的需求。Boatel利用它的成功,引入了一种全船体钢船,采用内/外动力,而不是舷外动力。1967年,Boatel添加了一个由玻璃纤维制成的完整船体模型。 Boatel also capitalized on their welding and boat building expertise by bidding on navy contracts for landing barges. The continued success of the boats provided an ample international base on which to grow similar but distinct products with appeal to the moneyed yachtperson's desire for more living space than a traditional motor yacht configuration. The result was a highly-demanded line of yachts from 35 to 45 feet in length, which appealed to a niche customer that no other design could satisfy. Originally offered in the houseboat markets, the target was redefined as intercoastal waterways and larger inland bodies of water in 1973. In 1979, the yacht division became so popular it was given its own identity - "Bluewater." In 1982, another new boat was debuted. This revolutionary craft incorporated the best features of the Bluewater yacht and the Boatel boat-a merger of the two. The result is a large and luxurious living area but with a shallow draft capability to operate in only 23 inches of water. The Cruiser's copyrighted "Guardian Power" hull design provides the craft with superior performance capabilities via the reduced angle of the propeller shaft and the protection the semi-conical hull indentations provide to both the propeller and shaft. The company's Bluewater Yacht is now produced at lengths up to 70 feet. The product is equipped with copyrighted unique Guardian Power hull design that provides protection for the propeller shaft. The product provides full and comfortable living space for several people, and can be used for both inland and coastal waterways. The third generation of Klapmeiers is now entering the yacht business. Each member brings new expertise to the table in the areas of engineering and design, finance, management and marketing.