导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H03:机动游艇>梦幻定制游艇



梦幻定制游艇于1996年9月3日开业。在场的有约翰·斯特吉尔、他的妻子莎莉、十二个雇员和一个梦想。斯特吉尔回忆道:“那几乎是30年前的事了,就像发生在昨天一样。”他还详细描述了他和一些朋友在高中时是如何用一个旧巴士车身、鼓和木甲板做了一艘船屋。他知道自己爱上了船和造船。毕业后,他在家族殡仪馆工作了20年,然后才开始追求自己的少年梦想。因此诞生了幻想定制游艇!该计划是在第一年左右生产24艘船屋,随着时间的推移扩大到36艘船屋,并计划扩大设施和满足客户。三个月后,第一艘船屋即将下水,但15艘已经被卖掉了。第一年,44艘船屋被出售,业主愿意等几个月才能交货。工艺和质量在业内是公认的最高的。 An expansion planned for the third year came in the second year and the fourth year expansion came in the third year. In the fourth year an entire new facility was built and to house 'Atlantis Houseboats'. The dream that had started so many years before was becoming a reality... Now, after five building expansions and over 200 deluxe houseboats that dream is still alive and in good hands. John Sturgill is still the owner and as he stated in a recent interview, "I don't really have any hobby or pastime other than boating and building boats. It was never about money or success, it was about doing what I had always wanted to do."