导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H03:摩托艇>杰弗逊游艇



疾风吹过他的头发。凉水在他脸上跳舞。灿烂的阳光在湛蓝的天空中微笑。他沉浸在第一次乘船旅行的极度喜悦和兴奋之中。没过多久,里昂·肖就相信他已经无可救药地沉迷于水上生活了。在玩弄了他的初恋——一辆小型敞篷车之后,里昂开始追求更大更好的东西。1956年,他设计并建造了一艘船屋。四年后,他和一个高中好友创办了肯塔基亚纳游艇销售公司。这是潜藏在角落里的丰富遗产和传统的卑微开端。20多年后,Leon Shaw在游艇行业积累了丰富的智慧和经验,诞生了Jefferson Yachts。 The first vessel, an end result of painstaking attention to detail, luxury, performance, and affordability, proudly introduced herself to the world as the Jefferson 48 Cockpit Motor Yacht. All of the virtues and values incorporated into this premier craft in 1982 are still molded into every boat that Jefferson builds today. Over 350 yachts later, Leon insures this outstanding quality by still being directly involved in the design and manufacture of every Jefferson series yacht. From the first houseboat built back in 1956 to the marvelously manufactured International series of today, Leon Shaw has never lost his undying love for boating. Perhaps it is this admiration that has launched Jefferson Yachts to the top of the boating industry by creating boats with sleek styling, meticulous craftsmanship, and ultimate affordability!