

卡波游艇的成功故事始于公司总裁亨利·莫尔施拉德。莫赫施拉德从小就对船很着迷,他的第一艘船是在一个因雨水而隆起的水槽里航行的。Mohrschladt对船只的痴迷一直延续到成年。主修经济学后,Mohrschladt并没有选择金融职业,而是在奥兰治县的一家船厂拿着最低工资,这个看似可疑的职业决定后来被证明是通往成功道路上的明智一步。在船坞,莫尔施拉德遇到了迈克尔·豪沃思。两人都对船只和划船有着浓厚的兴趣,因此建立了共同兴趣的伙伴关系,并最终建造了他们的第一艘船:一艘25英尺长的双头巡航帆船。1976年,豪沃思的车库中建造的第一艘船在水上游艇展上以11700美元的价格售出,这标志着他们新造船业务的启动。在竞争激烈的帆船设计和制造行业,努力工作和致力于制造高质量的帆船赢得了合作伙伴的认可。到1988年,对他们的帆船的需求飙升到这两家公司可以把他们的地点转移到其他地方。他们将自己的帆船制造业务卖给了一家新加坡造船商,使他们能够专注于制造定制的运动钓鱼游艇。 From the concept that quality is premier to the foundation of design, crafting and manufacturing, Cabo Yachts emerge. In 1991 Cabo Yachts moved to Adelanto. From it 5 acre, state-of-the-art facility the team set up shop to build customized sportfishers designed for people who demanded the best in quality and safety for high adventure on the open sea. The first year in Adelanto, Cabo Yachts launched the first in a line of outstanding sportfishers: the Cabo 35. The industry cheered. The award winning team delivered six new sportfishers in 1992. By 1993 they set a sales record and invited Greg Bourque to join them. In the years to follow they produced a range of superb sportfishers. And, in 1997, the Cabo 45 Express received the prestigious "Boat of the Year" award from Boating magazine. Noting that Italy, France, Asia and the United Arab Emirates had expressed desire for U.S.-built sportfishers, Cabo Yachts increased marketing efforts overseas. In 1997, $3.8million of their $19 million revenue sailed in from foreign shores. On June 2, 1998, the "Exporter of the Year" title was awarded to Cabo Yachts. In the same year the Cabo team increased its factory to a total plant size of 145000 square feet and production capacity by 25 percent. They have recently further increased the factory by 65000 square feet. From its first national acclaim in 1988, when the Fortune magazine proclaimed boats built by Mohrschladt and Howarth among the top 100 products of "What America Makes Best", to present-day recognition as a world leader in the designing and manufacturing of sportfishers, the team at Cabo Yachts has demonstrated unrivaled excellence in boat building.