导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H03:机动游艇>巡洋舰游艇



近半个世纪前,巡洋舰游艇公司(Cruisers Yachts)开始在格林湾(Green Bay)海滨一个风景如画的威斯康星州小镇上建造空心木船。今天,作为KCS国际公司家族的一部分——包括他们的姐妹公司Rampage运动钓鱼游艇和三叶草运动渔船——他们在奥孔托的总部和造船团队从几十年前开始急剧扩张。每个在他们的游艇上工作的人都为公司著名的遗产感到无比自豪。他们有才华的工匠和妇女致力于创造无与伦比的游艇,拥抱当代造船、工程、技术和造型的最佳。每一艘卓越的游艇都是对细节的细致关注,对造船过程的热情,以及最先进的工艺与传统手工工艺的成功融合的结果。巡洋舰游艇一直代表着创新,而不是模仿。他们想要创造出市场上最漂亮、最深思熟虑、技术最先进的游艇。一个技术优势是使用全舱玻璃纤维衬垫,比胶合板上的地毯更轻,不会变质,而且容易清洁。他们的游艇还提供了焊接的船首轨道,以提高耐久性;步行挡风玻璃(在大多数型号上)更容易,更安全的进入前甲板; aluminum radar arches rather than fiberglass for increased strength; and full canvas enclosures that connect to the arch for easier set-up and greater stability. Additionally, they believe that they can best control the quality of their yachts when they make as many of the required parts as possible… items such as acrylic covers with Seamark coating to prevent leaks, and 1/8-inch-thick fuel tanks that are tested three times for leaks. The bottom line: From the standard features of their yachts to special-order requests and available options, they are committed to their customers. Cruisers Yachts is also committed to maintaining an ongoing relationship with each customer and making him or her a valuable member of the Cruisers Yachts family.