

泡泡船,充气双体船的建造者。制造双壳充气船,为潜水员,渔民,运动员和探险家。价格合理的优质船只。这种类型的船也被称为Catarafts。在过去,世界上的河流和湖泊都使用了白内障。泡泡船为海洋重新设计了这些船。在所有12英尺及以上的船只上,每个船体上都有2个空气室。主舱是全船体形状,安全舱占主舱的75%左右。这意味着你的船体中有一个船体。在一个20英寸直径的外壳内壳是16英寸的直径和长度相同的外壳。 The hull shapes have been modified to allow these hulls to get up on plane easier with smaller horsepower outboard motors. Catarafts are very stable, highly maneuverable, and light weight inflatable boats. Bubble Boats have larger diameter hulls for greater load carrying capabilities. These catarafts can be rowed or outboard powered.