导航 :EXPO21XX>游艇21xx>H07:充气>阿喀琉斯



阿喀琉斯在日本生产自己的高质织物。它是一种四层织物,其外部层高hyapal,是由尼龙或聚酯布组成的内在层,内部有两层氯丁橡胶,用于空气保留。他们仍然将接缝重叠一英寸,然后将接缝胶带在内外。这也有助于空中保留和成品的整体耐用性。阿喀琉斯仍然将他们的船涂上胶水,尽管费用更高,以确保您获得高质量的产品。阿喀琉斯仍然制造自己的阀门,事实证明,它们具有出色的空气保留和耐用性。您今天可以购买一个阀门,该阀只需拧入过去25年中制造的任何阿喀琉斯运动船上即可。他们的桨仍然与往常一样。阿喀琉斯开创了使用桨系统的使用,该系统使用销钉将其锁定在适当的位置,以及安装在管子上的桨架,以便始终立即访问桨,同时在不需要时安全可靠地存放。他们的许多客户感觉自己的船只比任何其他充气量都更好。 Their transoms are still attached by a two step process of a neoprene mold that is then taped for exceptional strength and durability. To put it simply, Achilles still manufactures an Inflatable they feel represents the Best Quality Inflatable available at an Affordable Price. Changes in the Achilles line come as a result of modifications for improvement based on feedback from their dealers and their customers. They make changes in their existing models for these reasons, as opposed to making changes for simply for the sake of change. A major improvement for this season was to change the tube diameter to 17" on their two most popular sizes of their LSI Series with their innovative Hypalon Drop-Stitch Floor, the LSI96 and the LSI104. They also added an improved teardrop rubbing strake on most of their models, which includes the LSI, SPD, SE, SGX, and SG Series. Both of these changes were made in an effort to keep you drier when riding in your Achilles. They had a lot of customers asking for a bow locker on the HB340, so this year the HB 340 has a bow locker. They also introduced a larger version of the LT2, their popular soft tail dinghy, the LT4. It has larger tubes, and can carry 4 persons and plenty of gear.