导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H02:帆船游艇欣克利公司



当欣克利公司于1994年推出其革命性的喷气动力野餐船®时,许多人认为这一举动对缅因州造船商来说是一个令人惊讶的离开。毕竟,对于来自世界各地的挑剔的游艇爱好者来说,欣克利已经成为制作精良的帆船的代名词。大多数人忘记的是,第一批欣克利实际上是摩托艇。更重要的是,像野餐船®这样的创新设计正是使公司在七十多年来一直处于造船前沿的原因。该公司于1928年由亨利·r·欣克利(Henry R. Hinckley)在缅因州西南港成立,最初建造的是木制工作船,旨在承受唐东地区捕鱼、捕龙虾和巡航的严酷考验。该公司后来在第二次世界大战中发挥了重要作用,为美国军队建造了500多艘纠察船、拖船和快艇。欣克利的高科技魔法可能已经达到了顶峰,当它在1994年推出野餐船®。虽然喷气动力已经在军用船只、商业渡轮和渔船上进行了测试和验证,但该公司是第一家成功将喷气推进技术应用于半定制豪华游艇的公司。两年的研究和开发项目得到了回报:事实证明,野餐船®非常受欢迎,并很快创造了一个全新的游艇类别,模仿者争相跟上。公司在1998年开发并推出了JetStick®,突破了更多的新领域。 The computerized maneuvering system – which operates much like a joystick -- allows intuitive, highly accurate control of the jet boats with a single hand. JetStick immediately became the standard on the Picnic Boat®, and is also used on the company’s new Talaria® 40 Jet and Talaria 44 Jet. Due in large part to the success of its jet boats, Hinckley recently built a new multi-million dollar manufacturing facility in Maine and more than doubled its workforce to help meet demand for the yachts. While the company’s new line of jet boats has been taking off, Hinckley’s traditional sailing yachts have continued to attract discriminating buyers from around the world. The company is currently building numerous semi-custom sailboats, including three of its Bruce King-designed Sou’wester 70s. In addition, Hinckley recently opened sales and service centers in West Palm Beach, Florida and Kappeln, Germany and announced plans to extend its service network in Europe. Hinckley Service is legendary for the high degree of customer service it provides. Today, The Hinckley Company is recognized as one of the world’s premier builders of semi-custom sailboats and jet boats. Hinckley yachts, which are marketed under the Sou’wester and Talaria brand names, range in length from 29 to 70 feet. In addition to its boat building operations, Hinckley provides maintenance, repair and storage services, and operates a yacht brokerage, charter service and retail store.