导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H18:学校和俱乐部>皇家悉尼游艇中队



皇家悉尼游艇中队成立于1862年7月8日,19名游艇手在威廉·沃克勋爵MLC的办公室会面,成立了一个游艇俱乐部,命名为“澳大利亚游艇俱乐部”。申请皇家授权和威尔士亲王资助。1863年6月27日,海军准将威廉·沃克勋爵收到了殖民秘书办公室的一封信,通知他威尔士亲王愿意成为“皇家悉尼游艇中队”的赞助人。这封信还发布了一份海军部授权使用女王舰队蓝色军旗的授权令。现任赞助人是菲利普亲王殿下,爱丁堡公爵。直到1902年,该中队才得以在基里比利东侧的武庸点租下一处房产,其中有一座石屋、一个登陆台和一条船台。1903年1月24日,该遗址被正式占领。这头鲸鱼的下颌骨在通道上形成了一个拱门,最初来自于Twofold Bay的一个捕鲸站。旗杆是从煤矿BELLAMBI打捞上来的,由F G W Waley先生赠送。多年来,俱乐部会所及其设施得到了扩展和改进,包括购买了原场地两侧的物业,并将海滨改造为一个硬看台,为52艘One Design游艇提供干储藏,以及一个游艇维护和维修区域。 The slipways were replaced by a 20 tonne straddle lift and two 4 tonne fixed cranes for lifting smaller vessels and breakwater pontoons were installed to provide an area of protected water for rigging and servicing yachts. The construction of underground off-street car parks provided 140 car spaces for members. Since its inception, The Squadron has been active in sailing and yachting. In 1962 The Squadron challenged for the America’s Cup with GRETEL. Subsequent challenges have been made on members’ behalf. The Squadron also conducts World, National and State Championships for One Design classes including Dragons, Etchells, J24s and Ynglings. During the sailing season, ocean and harbour races are conducted for yachts of varying sizes, as well as the One Design classes. Youth Sailing was inaugurated in 1960 to teach the sons and daughters of members to sail. Since then Youth Sailors have graduated to participate in National and International championships. The Youth Sailing Programme has produced a number of State, National and World Champions. The Squadron will be represented in the Australian Olympic Sailing Team in 2000 in the International Soling Class. Two members of the Olympic crew began their sailing careers as Squadron Youth Sailors. The Squadron was asked to participate in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games by providing the on water race management for Course Area B during the Olympic and Paralympic Regattas.