导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H18:学校和俱乐部皇家游艇中队



1815年6月1日,在圣詹姆斯的茅屋酒馆里成立了“游艇俱乐部”,这是该中队最初的名字。战争结束后,女士们来了。他们以前曾在“鹿园”(这个草坪是以他们的名字命名的)招待过他们,但直到中队从卡文迪什酒店的罗莎·刘易斯那里获得了城堡岩下面的宴会厅(现在是皇家科林蒂安游艇俱乐部),他们才有了自己的屋顶。第一次战争后,在英美杯的鼓励下,六米赛跑开始流行起来。小型赛艇的流行主要归功于两位成员,拉尔夫·戈尔爵士和肯尼斯·普雷斯顿爵士。然而,人们的注意力仍然集中在大的班级上,公众蜂拥到考斯观看J -不列颠尼亚号(如上图所示),三叶草V号和后来的奋进I号,轰隆隆地驶过格林。汤姆·索普维奇第一次努力,就像中队迄今为止所做的那样,几乎赢得了“荣誉杯”。菲利普·汉洛克爵士是新成立的海洋赛车俱乐部的第一任主席,并与拉尔夫·戈尔爵士一起鼓励了法斯特网赛车,朱莉·布莱斯在1925年首次赢得了比赛。在第二次世界大战中,城堡被视为皇家海军维提克斯号的一部分,后来成为“J”部队的总部。战后,在彼得·斯科特的建议下,国王乔治五世颁发了不列颠尼亚杯(如图右),这是考斯周最著名的比赛之一。1948 - 1995年战争结束后的十年被称为“紧缩和逆转的时代”。 Neither were good looking. In 1966/67 Sir Francis Chichester sailed on his own round the world, which led to the Chichester Trophy (shown bottom right), presented by The Duke of Westminster, and the Whitbread Round the World Race. The Castle was further fit for ladies. The brass hot water cans disappeared in favour of the bedroom basin and the radiator made its appearance. Sir Owen Aisher produced Yeoman after Yeoman and Ted Heath won the Sydney – Hobart with Morning Cloud (shown left) in 1969. The Admiral’s Cup enlivened racing at Cowes. The first Chairman of the Cowes Combined Clubs in 1964 was Lord Runciman. Cowes was changing. Two Commodores, Sir John Nicholson and John Roome, consolidated the Squadron’s position and Sir Maurice Laing gave Cowes the chance, through a Trust, to take over the marina. The Pavilion designed by Sir Thomas Croft, was opened in 2000. This elegant creation provides on shore facilities for yachtsmen and their families while allowing the Castle to retain its ‘Country house’ ambiance. The Pavilion also enabled the Squadron to cross burgees with the New York Yacht Club in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Schooner America’s famous victory of 1851.