

凯旋™船在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆自豪地建造。他们的计算机化,85000平方英尺的船舶模具厂是世界上最先进的设备。船只铸造在一个几乎坚不可摧的部分,使用一个凯旋的定制,计算机控制对流烤箱。RopleneTM建造是一种新型、高科技、无污染的方式,可以建造坚固、低维护的渔船和公用设施船。TRIUMPH的所有船型都是GSA批准的,并具有终身有限保修。TRIUMPH Roplene船是无缝的,在巨大的计算机控制的烤箱中成型为一个单元,而不是单独的船体甲板部分,必须用螺丝和胶水粘在一起。在船体和甲板对齐没有间隙,需要橡胶轨道隐藏。而且,没有像玻璃纤维那样薄薄的胶衣色彩层。采用罗布里尼船体,色彩贯穿整个材料。专有的Roplene工艺拥有9项专利。 The hull, deck and stringers are formed from powdered polyethylene into a seamless and integral boat in a double mold inside a multi-axis rocking oven. Timing, temperature, speed and angle variables are precisely controlled by computer. Just in time for 2002 models, TRIUMPH acquired a new, state-of-the-art 3-stage shuttle oven designed to charge, mold and cool all in one automated, computer-controlled operation. This sophisticated machine is capable of producing boats up to 23 feet with amazing precision, and is the only piece of equipment like it in the world dedicated to recreational boating. The Roplene system is friendly to the environment, too, since there are no hazardous air pollutants or materials generated during the process. TRIUMPH’s 210 models represent the largest roto-molded part in the world that withstands the structural stresses of pleasure boating. And the new TRIUMPH 190 Cool Bay represents a major achievement in bringing an incredibly detailed, wide-beam boat to a popular niche in the marketplace for a price that fits comfortably into family budgets. TRIUMPH Boats with Roplene hull technology for 2002. The best in boating, and nobody else has it.