导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H18:学校和俱乐部柏林Spandauer游艇俱乐部



作为德国第一家帆船俱乐部,SpYC于1994年开始利用电子媒体,特别是互联网的可能性。超过115年历史的俱乐部不再是最年轻的俱乐部之一,因此保留了许多传统,这表明它是创新和与时俱进的。Spandauer游艇俱乐部成立于1885年,名为“Segel Club Tegel See”,位于哈维尔小岛Valentinswerder。三年后,该俱乐部成为成立德国帆船协会(Deutscher Segler-Verband, DSV)的12个俱乐部之一。1903年Spandau要塞的第一个SpYC俱乐部。由于新建的桥梁将俱乐部与开阔水域隔开,俱乐部在1913/14赛季搬到了哈维尔下游,在沙夫湖(Scharfe Lanke)获得了一个位置。在三十年代后期,俱乐部与“Märkischen游艇俱乐部”合并,并更名为“斯潘达尔游艇俱乐部”,在此之下,带有黑、白、红三色旗帜的帆船俱乐部仍然为人所知。1920年:俱乐部搬到了沙夫兰克,同时SpYC拥有400多名会员,是柏林第五大帆船俱乐部。它的主要任务是青年工作和提拔年轻新兵。因此,超过90名初级会员定期在俱乐部的场地上进行乐观,欧洲,420和470班以及49er,激光和国家海盗班的训练。 The success of this work is reflected by several successful participations in world championships and Olympic games in 1936, 1988 and 1996 as well as the organisation of the German Junior Championships in the Optimist class in "Damp 2000" in 1994 and the organisation of the German championship of the Nordische Folke-Boote in 1997. In 1989 and 1999 the SpYC Berlin was honoured with the "Green Band of the Dresdner Bank" (Grünes Band der Dresdner Bank) for its outstanding youth work. In the year 2000 the International German Championship of the 49ers and the Berlin Junior Championships in the Optimist class will be organised by the SpYC. The SpYC-Berlin clubhouse today The cruising sailors are also integrated in Spandau's oldest sailing club. Not only since the fall of the Berlin Wall have they been able to reach their main sailing area, the Baltic, via the river Oder. From all over the world they have brought back pennants from other clubs and marinas of which a small selection is shown in the club's mess-room. Cape Hoorn, Cape of Good Hope or Greenland for example were places reached by members and their yachts. The reports which are regularly published here, speak for themselves. The club is also active in environment protection. The environment delegate keeps an eye on the correct disposal of waste and also on the correct choice of antifoulings which are used by the Sailors.