导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>H03:摩托艇>北欧拖船



北欧拖船公司由杰瑞·赫斯特德、他的兄弟吉姆·赫斯特德(退休空军上校)和盖尔·戴维斯(教师、小企业主、游艇爱好者)于1979年成立。这其中涉及到一个“母公司”——华盛顿伍德维尔的蓝水船公司。该公司建造了一种“英格丽”设计的双端海洋双桅帆船。它的设计来自于19世纪挪威许多漂亮的双尾帆船。其中大部分的设计者是科林·阿彻,一个有着苏格兰名字的挪威人。(“英格丽德38”计划实际上在1934年由威廉·阿特金(William Atkin)进行了现代化改造,并发表在《大众机械杂志》(Popular Mechanics Magazine)上,以造福世界各地的造船商。)蓝水船公司在20世纪70- 80年代连续十年每月建造一艘英格丽,推广挪威的双尾船遗产。然而,1974年一个新的因素冲击了世界——燃料危机。除了在加油站排起长队的汽车外,汽艇车主也被大幅限制用于娱乐的燃油。杰里和他的好朋友兼船艇设计师林恩·塞诺尔(北欧拖船的设计师)经常在午餐时间思考适合动力艇市场的“合适的船”。 Finally one day it hit! A tugboat looks right going slow. It also had enough "muscle" in its design to appeal to powerboat buyers. In addition, it has a surprising appeal to women, since most had the children's book "Little Toot" read to them by their mothers, and in turn, read it to their children. A design was drawn up, and a prototype was built by Blue Water Boats, the 26' Nordic Tug, and was shown in the 1980 Seattle International Boat Show. Such a radical concept could easily have been a failure, but fortunately, 54 orders were taken at the boat show and the week following! Nordic Tugs immediately became a hit in the marine community, and in fact, two competitors launched their pleasure tugs at the next year's boat show! Nordic Tugs went on to take over the facilities and staff of Blue Water Boats, and production of the Ingrid sailboats ended in 1981. The name "Nordic Tugs" came from the strong attachment to Norwegian nautical lore, garnered from the "Ingrid" design, and the assumption that most boaters would recognize the Norwegian influence in the strength, character and integrity of the tugs.