

Lalizas Hellas是希腊船舶和安全设备的主要制造商之一,也是欧洲的领导者之一。它的产品通过以希腊总部为首的8个国家的分支机构网络销往世界各地。公司的愿景过去和现在都是创造高质量、价格有竞争力的产品,通过完善的渠道销往世界各地。自1982年成立以来,这一愿景,加上对客户的关心和员工不可或缺的投入,促成了公司的成长,并将继续为Lalizas的持续发展做出积极贡献。该公司的增长是巨大的,今天它制造和销售越来越多的产品。Lalizas主要生产救生衣、安全带、救生圈灯、导航灯、舱底泵、檐篷、梯子、桨、船勾、块、夹板和服装。公司自身的成长,以及产品数量的不断增加,证明了公司致力于创造新产品,以满足客户的需求。对Lalizas来说,更重要的是产品的质量。所有产品在总部以最严格的控制和最高的质量标准设计和制造,然后分销到各分公司。通过这种方式,公司可以保持价格的竞争力,但最重要的是控制所有的生产程序和产品质量,以满足国际机构制定的标准,如ISO9001,和法国真理局分别。 Lalizas products are distributed to more than 70 countries through an effective network of partners. In addition to these, Lalizas is a pioneer in its industry having used the franchising method to expand to other markets, such as with Lalizas Nederland, and Lalizas Turkey. In total, LALIZAS has branches in Australia, U.K., Spain, South Africa, New Zealand, and Italy. Through the establishment of strong relations with its partners, Lalizas is aiming to achieve continuous satisfaction of its customers through effective distribution, and customer service. Lalizas and its people have entered the new millennium dynamically and will continue to grow and work towards the realization of its vision.