

欢迎来到传奇游艇公司的海洋。我们是在动力和帆经典木制游艇的建设者。我们也做修复。我们的愿景是将游艇设计黄金时代的一些伟大设计变成现实。就像交响乐团创造音乐杰作一样,我们创造游艇设计杰作的表演。我们觉得设计大师的天才体现在他们设计的作品中。大多数人都因其最初的表演而为人熟知。其中一些由有献身精神的人进行了多次表演。世界各地的造船厂也举行了其他活动。我们在传奇游艇公司有一个专门的工匠乐队,他们正在进行一些伟大的表演。 To some, boats are not just an utilitarian object of transportation and sport. Rather they are much more. They enrich the soul and inspire a sense of well being. It is these individuals Legendary Yachts, Inc. seeks to form a partnership. Together we can keep an important maritime heritage alive and by doing so preserve some important works of art for future generations to enjoy. Perhaps you have a favorite you would like brought to life. Requests are now being accepted.