

这是肋骨,这是肋眼。Ribeyes位于德文郡达特茅斯,在一个可以俯瞰达特河的现代专用船坞内。所有重要的部件都是在这里制造出来的。增强的玻璃纤维船体,泡沫核心的模压甲板,耐磨的橡胶管,甚至豪华的内饰。(只有现场生产,我们才能保证严格的质量控制。)然后每艘船都是手工建造的,由工匠从船头到船尾。最终的结果是一个属于自己的类的RIB。这是世界级的。因此,世界领先的舷外和艉驱船用发动机制造商雅马哈与Ribeye密切合作也就不足为奇了。雅马哈的发动机系列和Ribeye的游艇系列构成了无与伦比的组合。 So when it comes to having fun, it's serious fun. Ribeyes are available in the UK through Ribeye/Yamaha dealerships. And we can export a Ribeye anywhere in the world. Although the WaveCross, Dive, Playtime, Sports and Cruisers are the mainstay of the leisure range, at Ribeye we have the technology and capacity to design and build a whole range of craft including lifeboats, SOLAS rescue craft, crash and fire tenders.