

距离Helly Juell Hansen制作他的第一件防水帆船夹克已经有120多年了。海利是一名挪威水手,他一生都在与自然力量作斗争。15岁时,他在海上只呆了5年,就通过了大副考试。五年后,他获得了硕士学位证书。在北海的这段时间里,他感到天气在敲打着他的身体。为了起到一定的保护作用,在坏天气来临之前,人们花了无数个小时在衣服上涂油,使它们防水。Helly Hansen想要更多的保护,所以当他上岸时,他自己为挪威海员开发了更好的雨衣。这次冒险是从挪威莫斯的一个地窖开始的,在那里,五名员工进行了实验,直到他们想出了一种新技术。他们用未漂白的帆布缝制衣服,用自制的亚麻籽油浸渍,并发明了处理衣服的秘密方法,使它们既柔软又防水。以前渔民一季用三套衣服,现在一套衣服可以用三个季节。 From those humble beginnings back in 1877 Helly Hansen has become a leading manufacturer of high performance outdoor clothing.We have more years experience outfitting people for the outdoors than any other company in the business. By innovating in fabric technologies and construction, from the world's first pile fabric to the first waterproof, breathable fabric, Helly Hansen has kept people warm, dry and comfortable no matter how extreme the conditions.