

Musto于1971年出道。当时这家公司名为Musto & Hyde Accessories,是一家帆船制造公司的子公司,该公司成立于埃塞克斯(Essex)一个贸易地产的一个棚子里,当时的无担保贷款为1500英镑。这两个组织背后的人是基思·穆斯托(Keith Musto),他是一名极具竞争力的小艇水手,曾在1964年奥运会上获得荷兰人飞行班的银牌。基思成立了Musto & Hyde配件公司,为航海市场生产“软件”产品——空中飞人吊带、随身包、手套和水手长椅。起初,产品范围仅限于帆船阁楼可以利用现有设施生产的服装和配件。该公司很快就开始凭借自己的实力取得成功,特别是当它开始生产一系列基本的防水服装时。从那时起,公司的目标是生产世界上技术最全面的专业服装系列。在下一个千年,Musto将为世界各地的顶级水手提供服装。美洲杯期间奥克兰的疯狂水域也充满了Musto的装备,顶级球队穿着Musto的HPX One Design恶劣天气装备。这是新西兰队第二次担任世界杯捍卫者,他们选择了Musto和挑战者AmericaOne。Musto是皮特·戈斯和飞利浦团队的官方服装公司,他们将参加2000年12月31日的比赛。 Musto have committed £500,000 to the project - the biggest sponsorship ever undertaken by a marine company. Musto will be supplying clothing to several of the world’s top Olympic Teams for the Sydney 2000 and Sir Chay Blyth has selected Musto HPX yet again to clothe the crews of the Year 2000 BT Global Challenge. Musto are continuing their support of inspirational Yachtswoman of the Year, Ellen MacArthur and her Kingfisher Challenge 2000 for the Vendée Globe. Musto are the official clothing supplier to the Volvo Ocean Race, formally the Whitbread Round the World Race 2000-2001. Musto achieves its many accolades by paying meticulous and continuing attention to the different demands of the types of sailing activity. Musto clothing has always been made by sailors for sailors, using the highest levels of competition and the most gruelling conditions as the testbed for their performance-driven clothing. This has been recognised by the Design Council with Musto’s HPX Ocean Drysuit receiving Millennium Product Status. Musto have earnt their reputation as the Number One technical brand around the world and their clothing is now available in over 21 countries.