

1991年,超轻型飞机部门的专家组织了Aeros有限责任协会,从11月开始制造新的机翼:运动悬挂滑翔机潜行者-14和三轮车陌生人的机翼,这成为Aeros未来几年的“名片”。1997.一分钱也要赌,一英镑也要赌。我们的竞争对手提出了许多无王柱悬挂式滑翔机的设计,我们接受了挑战……在1997年,更出色的运动悬挂式滑翔机隐形14 KPL和隐形13 KPL设计准备制造。Oleg Bondarchuk,以及Aeros / Stealth的名字,开始定期参加著名的国际比赛。制造了70多个潜行者和100多个陌生人。新型三轮车翼流投入生产,该翼能提升最大起飞重量450公斤。人们越来越频繁地听到他头顶上制作滑翔伞的布料沙沙作响;AFNOR系统认证试验对手滑翔伞(性能)。竞赛表明,它不仅是国内设计的有力对手,而且也是许多外国设计的有力对手。 Serial production of Rivals started. 1999. Three world records were set in Australia on the Stealths: As there was nothing else to remove from a hang glider\'s wing, the next evolutionary step did not keep us waiting long. RIGID WING. By no means a sailplane, but not a hang glider already. We have designed and built our own rigid wing (ultralight sailplane with beam aerodynamic control). The wing received its working name – Stalker. At last world paragliding community woke up and created Formula 1. We were prepared for it long ago, so, we started to produce paragliders of Standard class Mister X and Accent. At present a paraglider Accent is undergoing certification trials in compliance with AFNOR standards in France. Manufacture of a trike wing Still – 17 has started. This wing can be controlled merely by your fingers. Manufacture of a trike Aeros – 2 has started. 2000. By the beginning of the year about 50 high-qualified specialists are working in Aeros company, who provide a complete design and production cycle for any ultralight aircraft. At present the company Aeros exports its products to 39 countries of the world without the CIS. Of course, we have lots of plans, and that explains why it took us so long to appear on the web. Just absolutely no time for keying!