导航:EXPO21XX>游艇21 xx>09:水上运动>吉米•刘易斯



1978年,我为迈克·沃尔茨和马克·罗宾逊制作了我的第一批帆板。自1968年以来,我一直在制作冲浪板。1981年,我开始在毛伊岛的Sailboards为Fred Haywood和Mike Waltze工作,在那里我参与了他们最早的一些“伸卡”短板的成型。我们专注于波板,但世界闻名,Arnaud de Rosnay让我塑造了一些板,特别是直线速度带到韦茅斯,英国的唯一存在的速度帆船赛事。1982年,帕斯卡尔·马卡带着我制作的毛伊岛冲浪板,以27.82节的惊人速度,以4节的速度打破了现有的帆板速度记录。帕斯卡的成功引起了弗雷德·海伍德的兴趣,所以我给他做了两块“速度板”,并于1983年带到韦茅斯。弗雷德以30.82海里的速度打破了帕斯卡之前的纪录。在那一年的活动中,弗雷德把两块板中的一块卖给了罗伯特·泰瑞豪,当他换成我的形状时,他在同一场比赛中把个人最好成绩提高了2节。弗雷德是第一艘超过30节的帆板,仅次于一艘名为“十字弓”的双体船,它保持着36节的绝对世界帆船速度纪录。三年后,在加那利群岛,四名水手用我的冲浪板成为第一个击败十字弓的人。 Pascal Maka clocked an incredible 38.86, while Eric Beale, Fred Haywood and myself did 36.73 , 36.13 and 36.31 respectively. Eight out of the top 10 at that event used Jimmy Lewis boards. This would remain the status quo for several years to come. A few years later Eric Beale became the first one to sail over 40 Knots by setting a new absolute world speed record of 40.48 Knots, on one of my boards of course. During all of those "speed years" I continued shaping wave boards as well as slalom boards. In the 90's most of my focus was on slalom boards but recently, Roddy Lewis set what some people call the "open ocean" record (meaning not "the canal" in France) by going 44.51 Knots. Here on Maui, since the beginning of the Kanaha Race Series every summer, more racers using Jimmy Lewis boards have placed in the top 3 or have won each division in the series than any other boards. Then About 5 years ago I made Laird Hamilton a few boards for him to use with a kite that he had. The boards I made were more like oversized waterski's. Then a few years later, this windsurfer turned kiteboarder came up to my shop, partly because I volunteered to make him a board and partly because he knew from my reputation as a board builder that I was the most qualified to do it. I began to make him a few wakeboards for kiting and then others started to take notice of the boards I was making and suddenly, it seemed, most of the top riders in the rapidly growing sport were coming to me to get my wakeboards.