导航 :EXPO21XX>运动21xx>H06:齿轮机>Getriebebau NORD
  • 提供个人资料
  • Getriebebau Nord是世界领先的Drive技术制造商之一,用于机械和电子解决方案。产品范围包括齿轮电动机,电动机,工业齿轮单元,频率逆变器,电动机启动器和用于分散驱动器控制的频率逆变器。
Product Portfolio
  • 齿轮电动机

  • 我们提供各种各样的齿轮电动机:螺旋,平行和斜角齿轮,当然还有特殊的Nord Bloc和Universal Products。

    As early as the 1980s, NORD developed the most important innovation in gear unit construction to the present day. The unicase concept. All bearing holes and sealing surfaces are machined in a single stage on the latest CNC centres.
      • Helical geared motors

      • 三个产品系列提供了来自NORD Drivesystems的螺旋齿轮单元和螺旋齿轮电动机,以满足每个应用程序的个人要求:
        • Unicase, one-piece, helical gear units with the highest efficiencies, combined with energy-efficient motors and central or decentralised frequency inverters provide versatile system solutions with the highest levels of efficiency and economy
        • Nordbloc螺旋齿轮单元可以替换标准的螺旋齿轮电动机
        • Standard helical gear units in split housings for various applications
          • UNICASE

          • 尺寸:16
            安装位置:M1 -M6
            扭矩范围:10-26.000 nm
            性能:0,12-160 kW
            Efficiency: >%95
          • NORDBLOC.1

          • 尺寸:9
            安装位置:M1 -M6
            扭矩范围:55-3,300 nm
            性能:0.12-37 kW
            Ratio: 2.10 : 1 – 456.77:1
            Efficiency: >%95
          • 标准

          • Sizes: 6
            Torque range: 50 - 700 Nm
            性能:0,12-7,5 kW
            Ratio: 1,92:1 - 488,07:1
            Efficiency: >%95
        • 平行轴齿轮电动机

        • Parallel shaft gear units / Parallel shaft geared motors from NORD Drivesystems are supplied in two product series to meet the individual requirements of each application:
          • Unicase, one-piece, parallel shaft gear units with the highest efficiencies, combined with energy-efficient motors and central or decentralised frequency inverters provide versatile system solutions with the highest levels of efficiency and economy
          • 工业齿轮单元高达242.000 nm
            • UNICASE

            • 尺寸:14
              安装位置:M1 -M6
              扭矩范围:110-100,000 nm
              性能:0.12-200 kW
              Efficiency: >%95
            • INDUSTRIAL GEARS

            • 尺寸:8
              Torque range: 25,000 - 242,000 Nm
              表现:2.2 kW - 1.000 kW
              Ratio: 5.54: 1 - 1,600 : 1
              效率:> 95%
          • Helical-Bevel Geared Motors

              • UNICASE

              • 尺寸:11
                安装位置:M1 -M6
                Torque range: 180 - 50.000 Nm
                表现:0,12 - 200 kW
                Efficiency: >%95
              • 2-STAGE HELICAL BEVEL

              • Sizes: 5
                扭矩范围:90-660 nm
                性能:0.12-9.2 kW
                Ratio: 3.58:1 - 70:1
              • NORDBLOC

              • Sizes: 5
                安装位置:M1 -M6
                扭矩范围:48-670 nm
                表现:0,12 - 9,20 kW
                Ratio: 3,85:1 - 72,31:1
              • INDUSTRIAL GEARS

              • 尺寸:8
                Torque range: 25,000 - 242,000 Nm
                表现:2.2 kW - 1.000 kW
                Ratio: 5.54: 1 - 1,600 : 1
                效率:> 95%
            • Worm Geared Motors

                • UNICASE

                • Sizes: 6
                  安装位置:M1 -M6
                  Torque range: 94 - 3058 Nm
                  表现:0,12 - 15 kW
                • 通用SI

                • Sizes: 5
                  扭矩范围:21-427 nm
                  表现:0.12 - 4.0 kW
                  Ratio: 5.00:1- 3000.00:1
                • 通用SMI

                • Sizes: 5
                  扭矩范围:21-427 nm
                  表现:0.12 - 4.0 kW
              • 机械可变速度

                  • UNICASE皮带变体

                  • 尺寸:12
                    表现:0.25 - 110,00 kW

                  • Sizes: 4
                    性能:0.12-4.00 kW
                • MOTORS

                • NORD开发了自己的电动机,并将其提供给全球所有主要市场。我们自己的发展确保了与外部供应商的高度独立性,因此为我们的客户提供了短暂且高度可靠的交付时间的决定性优势。
                    • Standard Motors

                    • NORD fulfils all of the current efficiency regulations and supplies a wide range of energy saving motors for the international market, with which operating costs can be considerably reduced. In addition to reduced energy consumption, all energy NORD motors feature a very durable, low maintenance design.
                        • ENERGY-SAVING MOTORS

                        • 表现:0,12 - 1000 kW

                          NORD fulfils all of the current efficiency regulations and supplies a wide range of energy saving motors for the international market, with which operating costs can be considerably reduced. In addition to reduced energy consumption, all energy efficient NORD motors feature a very durable, low maintenance design.

                          The series are designed so that in most cases the external dimensions of the motors remain unchanged for a change to a higher energy efficiency class. Normally, no mechanical modifications need to be planned.

                          有效的NORD电动机可用于50 Hz和60 Hz电源,可用于全世界各个地区。

                          • IE2电动机
                          • IE3电动机
                        • 可开关的杆电动机

                        • 表现:0,1 - 45 kW

                          NORD switchable pole motors enable operation with two or more fixed speeds. Squirrel cage motors with this design provide an economical alternative for applications in which continuous speed control with inverters is not required.

                          电动机与4/2版本,8/4,8/2 6/4波兰人基于“增大化现实”技术e available.

                          As an alternative to two separate windings Dahlander windings or PAM (Pole Amplitude Modulation) are possible. These variants offer the advantage that they only require a single winding for operation at two speeds. This means that both materials and valuable space can be used more efficiently than with separate windings.

                        • SINGLE PHASE MOTORS

                        • 性能:0,12-1,50 kW

                          Single phase motors are equipped with starting and/or operating capacitors, or are supplied with a Steinmetz circuit as a cheap solution for simple requirements. NORD single phase motors can be operated on 50 Hz or 60 Hz mains with 115V or 230V and support the wide voltage range (220V to 240V). Alternatively, versions with an attached inverter can be used on single phase mains.

                      • Specific Motors

                      • The design of user-specific drive solutions with its customers and their supervision from the engineering phase right up to commissioning is what makes NORD a strong and dependable partner. Also a wide range of application-specific motors is part of NORD's complete solutions.
                          • 辊台电动机

                          • Throughout the world, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS provides sophisticated and future-proof solutions for processes in the steel and aluminium industry, which cater for present and future requirements. Extensive expertise for the metals industry enables NORD to supply tough, custommanufactured drives suited to the extreme environments in this field.

                            Solutions are available e.g. for:
                            • 连续铸造
                            • Furnaces
                            • 热滚动
                            • 加速冷却区
                            • Handling
                            • Processing lines

                            未通风(IC 410)电动机 - 在极端条件下可靠。

                            • 完全封闭的设计(最高IP66)
                            • Available as circular fin or longitudinal fin designs
                            • Shock-absorbing cast iron housings EN‑GJL-200 (GG200)
                            • Reinforced A end shield made from robust cast iron EN‑GJS-400-15 (GGG40)
                            • Heavy-duty bearings and shafts
                            • Individual project-based winding adaption
                            • Hard torque characteristics with high breakdown torque value
                            • 逆变器饲料的绝缘系统
                            • Insulation class ISO H

                          • SMOOTH MOTORS

                          • 性能:0,37-2,2 kW


                            由铝制成的NORD系统也符合保护类IP69K,因此可以用高压液体清洁它们。得益于Washdown设计,这些液体会迅速而可靠地排出。为了获得最佳的腐蚀保护,这些电动机还可以配备NSD TUPH涂层。借助这些特性,轻质金属版本是不锈钢驱动器单元的非常有吸引力的替代品 - 不仅在食品生产和其他卫生敏感区域,而且在含有盐水大气的恶劣环境中。

                            • 长期使用寿命,降低运营成本和低热量耗散的高效率(应要求,可以达到+60°C以下的表面温度)
                            • NORD模块化系统引起的最大灵活性(与所有类型的齿轮单元组合)
                            • Optional equipment with brakes, fans and other extras (see "Options" tab)


                          • 表现:0,12 - 1000 kW

                            Explosion protected NORD motors can be supplied according to ATEX Categories 2D and 3D for Zones 21 and 22. These systems utilise the ignition protection type "Protection by enclosure" (tD)

                            NORD在气体和尘埃爆炸保护方面拥有多年的经验,并产生了受爆炸保护的驱动器,该单元符合自2003年以来欧洲指令94/9/EC的要求。认证是由Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt(PTB)进行的。DEKRA考试有限公司。


                            NORD开发了自己的电动机,并将其提供给全球所有主要市场。This autonomy offers customers the decisive advantage of short and highly reliable delivery times.

                          • 性能:0,12-1000 kW

                            Explosion protected NORD motors can be supplied according to ATEX Categories 2G and 3G. Various solutions are available on the basis of ignition protection classes "Increased safety" (e), "Pressure resistant encapsulation" (d/de) and "Non-Sparking Design" (n).

                            NORD在气体和尘埃爆炸保护方面拥有多年的经验,并产生了受爆炸保护的驱动器,该单元符合自2003年以来欧洲指令94/9/EC的要求。认证是由Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt(PTB)进行的。DEKRA考试有限公司。


                            NORD supplies motors from its own development for all important markets world wide. This autonomy offers customers the decisive advantage of short and highly reliable delivery times.
                        • DRIVE ELECTRONICS

                        • NORD produces frequency inverters and servo controllers for the necessary power electronics. Inverter solutions are available both for classical installation in switching cabinets as well as for decentralised and fully integrated drive units.

                          自1984年以来,Nord Electronic Drivesystems已开发和生产了电子组件。从我们多年的专业知识中获利,具有创新的产品和极大的灵活性。我们的产品范围包括来自单个来源的电子电动机启动器,频率逆变器和伺服控制器。
                            • Cabinet Frequency Inverter

                                • SK 500E

                                • 表现:
                                  0.25-160 kW

                                  1 AC 110 ... 120 V:0.25 ... 1.1 kW
                                  1 AC 200 ... 240 V:0.25 ... 2.2 kW
                                  3 AC 200 ... 240 V: 0.25 .... 15 kW
                                  3 AC 380 ... 480 V: 0.55 .... 160 kW

                                  Output frequency:
                                  0 ... 400 Hz
                              • Decentral Drive Solutions

                              • Decentralised frequency inverters for various applications - for simple speed control (SK 180E) or more complex applications (SK 200E)
                                  • SK 135E

                                  • 性能:0,25 - 7,5 kW

                                    SK 135E - 分散的电动机入门机
                                    许多应用程序,包括材料处理领域的应用程序都需要电子启动和停止驱动器单元。Nord为此开发了新的创新电动机入门SK 135E。由于其多功能性,不仅是电动机的启动功能,而且可能是柔和的启动或逆转模式。扩展的监视功能,例如防止过热。得益于I2T触发特性,不需要电动机保护开关。电动机启动器SK 135E(带电动机安装)的集成电源过滤器满足EMC的最高要求。
                                  • SK 180E

                                  • 表现:0,25 – 2,2 kW

                                    SK 180E- economical decentralised frequency inverter
                                    SK 180E是较低功率范围内所有应用程序的答案,其中主要任务是速度控制。使用了经过测试的NORD专有技术,因此无效的无传感器电流矢量控制可确保始终达到最佳的电压/频率比率。SK180E可以实现EMC分类的显着优势。因此,带有集成电源过滤器的电动机频率逆变器甚至可以在住宅环境中使用(C1级)。
                                  • SK 200E

                                  • 表现:0.25 - 22 kW

                                    The frequency inverter SK 200E for decentralised system versatility - up to 22.0kW
                                    经过多年的电动机频率逆变器经验,随着SK 200E NORD的发布,推出了一系列设备,可实现各种分散的驱动技术解决方案。这些健壮,可靠和经济体系适合广泛的工厂,例如输送机,并专门针对价格敏感的市场细分市场进行了优化。与SK 500E面板座家族类似,有一个面向应用程序的性能水平,具有相同的高质量功能。分散组件的预期功能,例如可靠的设计,插头连接器的集成,快速更换和用于通信的分散模块以及I/O信号可确保在现场级别上可靠地集成分布式驱动器单元。
                                • Motor starter

                                • 来自Nord DriverSystems的电动机启动器具有软启动和逆转功能。SK 135E结合了典型的“电子电动机启动器”的3个函数,该功能是在术语中知道的,逆转起动器和软启动器。
                                    • SK 135E

                                    • 性能:0,25 - 7,5 kW

                                      SK 135E - 分散的电动机入门机
                                      许多应用程序,包括材料处理领域的应用程序都需要电子启动和停止驱动器单元。Nord为此开发了新的创新电动机入门SK 135E。由于其多功能性,不仅是电动机的启动功能,而且可能是柔和的启动或逆转模式。扩展的监视功能,例如防止过热。得益于I2T触发特性,不需要电动机保护开关。电动机启动器SK 135E(带电动机安装)的集成电源过滤器满足EMC的最高要求。
                                  • 市场

                                      • 活力

                                      • PARTNERS IN MOTION - ENERGY-EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL


                                        We are well aware of our responsibility to the environment and our customers, and sustainability has been an important part of our company policy for many years. Because of this, we have consistently orientated both our range of products and our production facilities to finding and implementing potential energy saving initiatives and ideas.

                                        Drive solutions from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS are highly regarded - not just because of their high energy-efficiency. The industry relies on our products and know-how, particularly for the generation of alternative energies such as wind power, solar energy and hydro-electric power stations.
                                        • 粮食

                                        • 清洁,安全,可靠和高效

                                          NORD's efficient and reliable reducers, motors and AC Vector Drives contribute to a clean, safe design. By offering a clean, compact, directdrive alternative, your application is free of belts and resulting in no exposed, rotating components.
                                          • Optimized drive selections with safety in mind.
                                          • Reduced pinch points and external rotating components.
                                          • 消除了载体和外壳拆分的螺栓。

                                          可靠的Downtime. It’s the last word you can afford to hear when you work in the grain industry. Reliability is a direct result of NORD's unique design and our components work in unison to keep key operations safe and profitable.
                                          • An industry leading ratio range and mounting option flexibility.
                                          • Unicase™ gear housings provide accurate positioning of bearings and shafts.
                                          • AUTOVENT helps ensure a leak-free design.
                                          • Infinite-life, high quality gearing, up to AGMA Class 13.
                                          • 出色的耐用性,安静的操作和长期使用寿命。

                                          NORD致力于减少对我们环境有害的总体碳排放。Nord Motor提供了优质的绝缘材料,低温升高和电压尖峰阻力。
                                          • 2和3级选择的NORD变速箱的效率为95-97%。
                                          • 低惯性,逆变器评级电动机满足最新的全球能源需求
                                          • 有效的操作和优化的电动机性能。
                                          • Reduced operating temperatures.
                                          • 更长的服务寿命和较低的总拥有成本。
                                          • 起重机

                                          • SAFE AND EFFICIENT DRIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR CRANES

                                            起重机的任务在捡起负载and setting them down gently at a precise location requires special drives and integrated brakes as well as a frequency inverter technology, which ensures a soft start and generator braking via defined adjustable ramps. Smooth motion with high positioning accuracy is essential - and is often required with the simultaneous movement of the crane and the trolley as well as the control and synchronous operation for travelling drives. This places the very highest demands on the drive systems used.

                                            在全世界,起重机和手推车的制造商都依赖于NORD DRIVESYSTEMS的平行轴齿轮电动机,其功率额定值高达200 kW,并且齿轮比范围很大。起重机运动的速度约为80 m/min,手推车运动的速度为32 m/min,加速度为0.2 m/sec。有两种或三阶段的基本类型,可提供空心或实心轴,脚上安装,法兰安装或面部安装版本,每种都有相同的外壳。Unicase概念可实现具有高输出功率和极其紧凑的齿轮单元尺寸的平行轴齿轮单元。这些反过来可以与Nord模块化系统的许多元素结合使用。

                                            • Airport

                                            • 大小

                                              Whether for baggage handling,移动大型机库门或将乘客手指完美地定位到飞机的机身 - NORD DRIVESYSTEMS为每个应用程序提供了最佳的驱动器解决方案。

                                              超过45年,北方DRIVESYSTEMSat home in almost every branch of industry, where conveyor solutions are used for internal transport logistics. Our drive components and systems are essential wherever things need to be moved, as every movement needs a drive system which is as efficient and reliable as possible. Because of this, we offer a complete range of mechanical, electrical and electronic drive technology from a single source, from motors and gear units to central and decentralised control technology.
                                              • 食物

                                              • 单个驱动器解决方案 - 每个应用程序的理想选择

                                                Nord Drivesystems提供食品行业的个人驱动解决方案。

                                                我们始终将总成本(TCO =总成本)保留为行业的综合解决方案:
                                                • Low energy consumption with IE2 /IE3 energy saving motors, optionally with frequency inverters.
                                                • 通过使用高质量润滑剂来降低维护成本
                                                • Reduced waste heat prevents heating of the cooled area
                                                • Minimum downtime through simple assembly and dismantling (Harting plugs)
                                                • 另请参阅案例研究能源效率

                                                Our worldwide service concept
                                                • 24 / 48 / 72 hour service
                                                • Service hotlines for mechanics and electronics
                                                • SUPPORT AT EVERY STAGE

                                                  今天的钢铁行业已经演变成一个gigantic, complex, segment catering to the world’s requirement for automobiles, ships, construction, structures, etc. Steel plants demand peak performance on a 24x7 basis with zero-maintenance and at the highest possible efficiency levels.

                                                  NORD Drivesystems凭借其在驱动技术解决方案方面具有丰富的专业知识,现在在钢铁行业中作为具有个人项目咨询的系统供应商而闻名。尽管电动机仅构成钢铁厂投资量的一小部分,但它们是整个工厂的重要组成部分。驱动器单元必须在恶劣的环境中运行,这通常涉及极高的温度。这意味着它们必须经过适当的设计来应对钢制工业的要求。NORD驱动器单元用于连续运行且仅加速的滚子输送机,相反,钢滚动机逆转了钢制滚动厂,在每个滚动过程中,滚动的方向都会反转。逆转操作将极端的电气,机械和热应力放在驱动器单元上。滚动操作的特点是,滚筒(包括要滚动的材料)必须在很短的时间内加速,并迅速开关周期和旋转方向逆转。

                                                  Delivering quality globally
                                                  NORD代表了45年的质量和可靠性传统,其根源在德国。在六十多个国家 /地区拥有全球业务,每个行业垂直依靠我们提供最好的服务。我们成功地攀登到精英齿轮制造商名单是由于我们倾听和与客户紧密合作的策略所致。在客户的帮助下,我们创建了最佳的驱动器解决方案,并且作为一家公司也具有稳固的增长。我们的产品体现了紧凑的力学和智能电子产品之间的创新组合。我们销售并生产了机械和电子驱动组件的完整产品线,包括优质齿轮,电动机,频率逆变器,伺服控制器和分散驱动技术。Nord和我们的客户一起建立了长期成功的业务关系。
                                                  • 内在

                                                  • EFFICIENT DRIVE SOLUTIONS FOR INTRALOGISTICS

                                                    Whether for baggage handling, moving large hangar doors or perfectly positioning the passenger finger to the fuselage of an aircraft – NORD DRIVESYSTEMS provides the optimum drive solution for every application.

                                                    超过45年,北方DRIVESYSTEMSat home in almost every branch of industry, where conveyor solutions are used for internal transport logistics. Our drive components and systems are essential wherever things need to be moved, as every movement needs a drive system which is as efficient and reliable as possible. Because of this, we offer a complete range of mechanical, electrical and electronic drive technology from a single source, from motors and gear units to central and decentralised control technology.
                                                    • Cement

                                                    • 水泥行业有效的驱动解决方案

                                                      基于水泥的材料是必不可少的for sustainable building. However, cement manufacture is a sophisticated process whose individual stages require a great deal of energy. This makes energy costs one of the largest cost factors for the industry.


                                                      超过45年,北方DRIVESYSTEMSat home in almost every branch of industry where conveying solutions are used.

                                                      我们的驱动器组件和系统在需要移动的任何地方都是必不可少的,因为所有运动都需要驱动器 - 尽可能有效,安全。因此,我们从单个来源提供了整个机械,电气和电子驱动技术的范围 - 从节能电动机和低损耗齿轮单元到集中式和分散的控制技术。
                                                      • 高效且受到良好保护

                                                        超过45年,北方DRIVESYSTEMSat home in almost every branch of industry, where conveyor solutions are used for internal transport logistics. Our drive componemts and systems are essential wherever things need to be moved, as every movement needs a drive - as efficiently and safely as possible. Because of this, we provide the entire spectrum of mechanical, electrical and electronic drive technology from a single source, from motors and gear units to central and decentralised control technology.

                                                        特别是对于废水处理和室外应用,驱动器单元通常会经历极端的环境条件,例如水分,灰尘,灰尘或化学物质。即使在其标准版本中,Nord Gear单元也为这种影响提供了高水平的保护。为了满足极端要求,NORD Drivesystems采取适当的措施来保护高质量的技术并确保驱动系统的可靠性和功能。
                                                        • 阶段

                                                        • 大事件的驱动解决方案


                                                          对于这些应用,趋势是机电驱动系统的趋势,因为它们比相对复杂的高维护液压驱动器更合适,尤其是在限制空间的情况下。作为液压驱动器的紧凑和廉价替代品,它们已经证明了自己的升高和降低舞台上的负载。超过45年的时间,NORD Drivesystems几乎在工业的每个分支机构都在家中,这些分支将运输解决方案用于内部物流。我们的驱动器组件和系统在需要移动的任何地方都是必不可少的,因为所有运动都需要驱动器 - 尽可能有效,安全。因此,我们从单个来源(从电动机和齿轮单元到中央和分散的控制技术)提供了整个机械,电气和电子驱动技术。