

安捷伦为通信、电子、生命科学和化学分析领域的广泛客户提供创新技术、解决方案和服务。我们专业知识的广度和深度使我们能够为客户提供从研发到制造到安装和管理的整个产品生命周期的解决方案。凭借这一独特而全面的视角所获得的洞察力,我们可以帮助我们的客户将最好的产品和服务快速地推向市场,并从中获利。安捷伦一半以上的收入来自美国以外的地区。我们的客户遍布110多个国家,我们的全球业务为我们提供了独特的竞争优势。安捷伦在全球的制造、研发、销售和支持能力为客户在当今竞争激烈的环境中提供了所需的灵活性。安捷伦提供技术、解决方案和服务,帮助我们的客户加速其行业的重要进步……让梦想成真。安捷伦在全球30多个国家设有工厂,并在美国、中国、德国、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、澳大利亚和英国的生产基地开发产品。安捷伦实验室总部位于美国加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托,在日本八良市设有分支机构;南昆斯费里,苏格兰; and Beijing, China. With approximately 29,000 employees throughout the world, our company serves customers in more than 110 countries. Over half of Agilent\'s net revenue is derived from outside the United States. Our worldwide headquarters is in Palo Alto, California, on the site of Hewlett-Packard\'s first owned and operated R&D and manufacturing facility. History and Culture: Agilent\'s pioneering spirit was kindled more than 60 years ago, when two engineers - Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard - invented the future in their garage. In 1999, Agilent was spun off from Hewlett-Packard Company, and we have continued to support the values so important to the two visionary founders. We have also continued to innovate in territory that matters, blazing trails in the fields that are shaping the modern world. While, physically, we have outgrown HP\'s garage, we continue to live the values handed down from Bill and Dave: uncompromising integrity; trust, respect and teamwork; and innovation that makes a difference.


  • ASIC的
  • 光纤:光学GBIC
  • 光纤:光接收器
  • 光纤:光收发器
  • 光纤:光发射机
  • 光纤:波分复用器(WDM)
  • 光纤:WDM收发器
  • 物理层集成电路