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  • Offer Profile
  • AGVR集团是自动导向车辆(AGV)和控制设备的领先提供商,拥有60名专门的员工在全球范围内从事AGV自动化。我们将AGV设计和内部制造业保留,并在全球销售了2.500多辆车和3.500个控制装置。从用于自动导向车辆控制的单个组件,到完全集成的材料处理系统,我们提供各种具有标准和定制车辆的产品。
  • 我们的产品:定制AGV的标准

  • Save up to 60% on logistic costs, with our Automated Guided Vehicles



    我们提供一系列适合各种物流设置的基本AGV模型。从基本型号开始,我们可以根据您所需的情况将任何自动化的导向车自定义。例如,我们使用标准模型合作,可以自定义您的逻辑过程,例如用于生产工厂和仓库中的托盘处理的FORK AGV;在AGV下爬网,用于容器和废物处理;和室外拖车AGV可以在建筑物之间来回移动材料,但这只是我们合作的一小部分。AGVR由一个专家组成的团队组成,专门针对您的自动导向车辆进行完美。通过始终旨在改善我们现有的软件技术和生产流程,我们擅长为您提供任何类型的工作的最佳订单AGV。

    Groundbreaking Software
      • 室内和室外的AGV Tugger

        • 叉车AGV

            • Counterbalance

              • Various fork configurations
              • 可选:叉定位器和/或侧面
              • 重量范围:500、1250或2500公斤
              • Lifting height: up to 10 meters
            • 付钱

              • Various fork configurations
              • 最大负载重量:1500公斤
              • 升降高度:最多5.5米
            • Straddle

              • Various fork configurations
              • 可选:叉定位器和/或侧面
              • 重量范围:500、1250或2500公斤
              • Lift height: up to 10 meters
            • Very Narrow Aisle (VNA)

              • 3-Sided turret
              • 最大负载重量:1000公斤
              • 升降高度:最多8.5米
            • Sideloader

              • Various fork configurations
              • 可选:叉定位器和/或侧面
              • 重量范围:750、1000或1500公斤
              • Lift height: up to 10 meters
            • 抵达

              • Various fork configurations
              • 可选:叉定位器和/或侧面
              • 重量范围:750、1000或1500公斤
              • Lift height: up to 10 meters
          • Tractor AGVs

              • Tugger Tricycle

                • 牵引力:最多10吨
                • 混合操作:自动和手动
                • 使用:室内和户外
              • 拖车四轮

                • 牵引力:最多60吨
                • 混合操作:自动和手动
                • 使用:室内和户外
            • 平台AGV

                • Crawl-under

                  • 最大负载重量:1000公斤
                  • Height minimum: 0.3 meters
                  • 提升笔触0.1米
                  • Use: indoors
                • 输送带

                  • 输送机的类型:链条,辊或皮带输送机
                  • 最大负载重量:2500公斤
                  • 装载机:侧面或前装载器
                  • 使用:室内和outdoors
              • 夹具AGV

                  • 圆载负载

                    • Type of clamp: reel clamp (single or double)
                    • Maximum loading weight: up to 6 tons
                    • Lift height: up to 8 meters
                  • Square loads

                    • 夹具的类型:板夹
                    • 最大负载重量:最多1000公斤
                    • Lift height: up to 8 meters
                • 定制的AGV

                      • 根据要求

                      • We are happy to create an out-of-the-box solution for your desired logistic situation. We are specialized in creating unique designs and/or particular functionalities for any given AGV model. Feel free to contact us at any time to discuss your wishes for a customized automated guided vehicle that fully meets your internal logistic requirements or issue.
                  • Our Services

                      • 将AGV定制为您的情况

                      • 我们的AGV配置为在您的工厂中完全导航和运行。为此,使用接口将AGV连接到主机系统和设备,例如生产机器,输送机,电梯,火警警报等。自1987年以来,我们一直是优化服务的专家,因此已经准备好应对您的挑战。
                      • 为您的运营商数字培训

                      • Investing in your staff is essential. We train your team thoroughly before they start operating the AGVs. To be able to do this most efficiently, we will recreate a virtual version of your company’s site in which your operators will complete our training program. They can try out new operating strategies within the site simulation, without disrupting the actual production process. This optimizes the preparation process to be able to operate the AGVs in real-time.
                      • 24/7客户服务和维护

                      • We know problems can arise at any time. Therefore, our trained support team is available for you 24/7. From experience, we have learned that the majority of incoming calls are software- or operation-related. Our professional software engineers are more than happy to help solve your problem within an hour. When our support team determines an electrical or mechanical problem, a service engineer is sent to you right away.
                    • Industries

                        • Automotive

                        • Logistical automation is one of the last major automation steps in the automotive industry, and we can certainly help you with that. Automation within the automotive industry requires seamless cooperation between the AGV and mechanical staff. Primary safety measures are thus met by equipping our vehicles with safety scanners, to ensure a completely safe on-site workflow.


                          • 牛奶运营的过程
                          • Handling pallets and parts racks
                          • 高流量,长途运输在室内和室外


                        • Chemical

                        • Whether it concerns handling pallets, tanks, or reels, our AGV solutions are suitable for any purpose. Aside from custom-made AGVs, we also supply typical forklift trucks to handle pallets and tanks in and between your production lines, warehouses and buffer storage areas.



                          • 原材料和成品的大型袋和托盘处理
                          • Tank handling and IBC container handling
                          • Automating filling and emptying processes


                        • Food

                        • 我们的AGV在食品和饮料行业中提供了各种目的,因为在这些物流过程中有无限的可能性。我们的AGV解决方案非常适合:

                          • 处理原材料,成品和包装材料
                          • 自动化奶酪成熟仓库
                          • Tote stack handling and buffering without pallets


                          From custom-made AGVs, we also supply typical forklift trucks to handle pallets, tanks, and big-bags in and between your production lines, warehouses and buffer storage areas.

                        • Glass

                        • 无论是涉及处理托盘还是卷轴,我们的AGV解决方案都适合任何目的。除了定制的AGV外,我们还提供典型的叉车,以处理生产线,仓库和缓冲区存储区之间的托盘。


                          我们自主移动小车的各种用途的智慧hin the glass industry. Our AGV solutions are highly suitable for:

                          • Handling of finished goods and packaging materials
                          • 将托盘线连接到集中式包装,皮带或收缩线
                          • Automating packaging materials warehouses


                        • 金属和塑料

                        • 我们的AGV定期运输(半)在金属和塑料行业中完成的零件和原材料。由于其高可靠性,灵活性和可预测性,AGV非常适合运输关键材料类型。这对您有何优势?在运输中,损坏产品的机会实际上减少到零。此外,节省了运输成本,并且所有逻辑任务都是完全可追溯的。


                          我们自主移动小车的各种用途的智慧hin the metal and plastics industries. Our AGV solutions are highly suitable for:

                          • 处理原材料,成品和包装材料
                          • Automating packaging materials warehouses
                          • Block stack palletized beverage cans up to 12 meters high


                        • 纸张和组织

                        • 无论是涉及处理托盘,卷轴,我们的AGV解决方案是否适合任何目的。除了定制的AGV外,我们还提供典型的叉车,以处理生产线,仓库和缓冲区存储区域内和之间的托盘和卷轴。



                          • 处理原材料,成品和包装材料
                          • 自动化WIP缓冲区
                          • Pallet and reel handling within the storage area: common pallet racking, drive-in racking, and block-stacking


                        • 药物

                        • 我们自主移动小车的各种用途的智慧hin the pharmaceutical industry. Our AGV solutions are highly suitable for:

                          • 托盘处理原材料,成品和包装材料
                          • 油箱处理粉末和液体
                          • 卫生和100%故障的免费可追溯运输订单处理


                        • 生产

                        • Our AGVs regularly transport (semi-)finished parts and raw materials in production industry. Due to their high reliability, flexibility, and predictability, AGVs are perfect for transporting critical types of materials. How is this in your advantage? The chances of damaging products whilst in transit is reduced to practically zero. Additionally, transport costs are saved, and all logistic tasks are perfectly traceable.

                          生产areas frequently involve compound processes and operations where specific requirements have to be met regarding, for example, safety. Our AGVs are made and used for the careful transportation of various types of materials.

                          我们自主移动小车的各种用途的智慧hin the production industries. Our AGV solutions are highly suitable for:

                          • 自动化WIP缓冲区
                          • Automating logistics in (existing) tight areas
                          • 自动化牛奶运营的过程


                        • 仓库

                        • 在物流行业工作时,您可能已经注意到仓库工人的支付每年都在增加。也许您甚至遇到了难以在有能力的人员中填补自己的排名。我们了解,工作人员短暂地可能会让您挣扎着满足配额或对运输商品进行正确的合规性检查。关于工作条件和供应链趋势的法规的收紧越来越大,劳动力成本的增加可能会导致业务内部和外部的许多层次上的许多困难。为了使您降低这种不必要的成本并优化流程控制,您的物流过程需要自动化,因为AGV越来越可靠,更便宜。

                          我们自主移动小车的各种用途的智慧hin the warehouse industry. Our AGV solutions are highly suitable for:

                          • 货架和探险区之间的托盘处理
                          • Pallet handling within the storage area: common pallet racking, drive-in racking, and block-stacking
                          • Waste container handling
