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  • Offer Profile
  • Today, EWAG machines are used in more than forty countries worldwide, in fields of application such as the watch industry, the dental, electrical, automotive and aviation industries, as well as in the manufacture of precision micro-components. EWAG is considered the world leader in the manufacture of high-precision tool grinding machines. Our product portfolio includes manual machines for grinding and re-grinding tools, CNC machines for grinding tungsten carbide, PCD and PCBN and for machining WSP geometries, as well as our new laser machine.

    我们与我们在德国图宾根的姐妹公司Walter Maschinenbau Gmbh一起,我们将自己视为完整工具加工的系统和解决方案提供商,并能够提供广泛的产品范围,包括研磨,侵蚀,激光,测量和软件。我们的客户导向以及我们的分支机构和员工的全球销售和服务网络已被我们的客户估值数十年。
Product Portfolio
  • Grinding

      • WS11

      • 手动工具研磨机,通过精确和速度产生完美的结果。

        WS 11和WS 11-SP通用研磨机特别适合使用硬金属,钢或其他材料的高精度微型工具和生产零件的生产和重新研磨。

        The WS11 universal grinding machine makes it possible to manufacture and regrind micro tools and production parts from hard metal, HSS or other materials. Thanks to the hydrostatic grinding spindle the thermal expansion is consistently defined, making tolerances of 0.0002 mm possible. At the same time the machining process can be observed and monitored 1:1 with the optical measuring system as the grinding wheel engages.

        Advantages that fulfil all requirements:
        • With the WS 11 concept, cylindrical and conical tools can be ground and measured in a single clamping.
        • Both individual parts and smaller batches are ground cost-effectively.
        • An extensive range of accessories enables quick adaptation of the machine to the respective machining task.
        Highest precision in conjunction with performance and reliability help to considerably increase the quality of tools in many industry branches.
      • WS11-SP

      • 手动研磨技术更高。

        The WS 11-SP universal grinding machine is a further development of the optimally proven WS11. It is used for manufacturing and regrinding high-precision micro tools and production parts from hard metal, HSS and other materials. Unlike the WS 11, this machine is also capable of manufacturing tools with straight spiral toothing.

        Features providing advantageous capabilities:
        • A diverse range of accessories enables the user to quickly adapt the machine to special requirements.
        • Highest precision in conjunction with performance and reliability.
        • Tool quality is significantly increased in many industry branches.
        • Swivelling grinding spindle.
        • 集成正弦规则,用于用特殊冲程磨削螺旋工具。
        • 直径高达25毫米。”
      • RS15

      • 精确研磨的手动研磨技术。精确,富有成效和多才多艺!


        Convincing advantages:
        • A notable increase in productivity is achieved, as tools can be measured directly on the machine by means of projector without reclamping.
        • The RS 15 guarantees the highest precision and a long working life, thanks to its robust and vibration-free design.
        • 在单个夹具中测量和研磨可以使形状精度非常高,并提高产量。
        • 通过与投影仪和数字显示结合使用直接测量机器,可以提高生产率。
        • Diverse accessories enable grinding of convex and concave radii, spherical surfaces, multiple surface grinding on deep hole drills, and so on.

      • The INSERT LINE is an indexable insert periphery grinding machine that allows machining of increasingly complex insert geometries.


        Advantages that ensure profit:

        • Success through the grinding wheel diameter:
          • The grinding wheel diameter up to 500 mm reduces production time by up to 50%.
          • A variable-grinding wheel diameter allows grinding of concave shapes.
          • Optimal machine kinematics with a hydrostatic guide.
          • 切割表面的质量更高。
        • 紧密tolerance produced economically.
        • Axes ensure maximum accuracy, reliability and unique dynamics.
        • Surface damage can be avoided and the cutting rate can be increased.
        • Economic production is ensured by the use of 350-500 mm grinding wheels.

      • 令人印象深刻,精确地磨合您的个人要求。

        The EWAMATIC LINEAR CNC-controlled production grinding centre is suitable for manufacturing indexable inserts and rotationally-symmetrical tools. Tailored to the customer's individual requirements, a multitude of grinding operations can be performed in a single clamping.

        The EWAMATIC LINEAR is a high-precision grinding machine which manufactures tools, indexable inserts and rotationally-symmetrical tools in hard metal, PCD or super-hard PCB.

        • 自动充电。
        • Integrated dressing of grinding wheels.
        • Dimension measurement on the machine

      • 紧凑线

      • Progressive grinding technology! Compact, quick and high-precision.


        An advantageous investment for your success:
        • 较短的时间(周期和辅助时间)意味着更高的生产率。
        • 具有成本效益的生产最窄的容忍度。
        • Compact design.
        • Perfect grinding wheel thanks to "three in one " grinding unit. (Dressing-Regeneration-Crushing)
        • 重要的自动换档操作得益于FANUC的6轴机器人。
        • 人体工程学操作。
        • 集成的机器人系统在最狭窄的空间中设置了新标准。”
    • Lasering

          • 激光线Ultra

          • the Power of Light

            Due to the increased use of lightweight materials such as carbon fibers, but also special aluminum alloys, the demand for diamond tools for machining such materials is on the rise. The trend toward even harder cutting materials such as CVD diamonds is taking today's grinding and electrical discharge machining technologies to their limits.

            However, the LASER LINE ULTRA enables these limits to be exceeded and, in so doing, is setting new standards in tool machining with regard to flexibility, quality, and productivity.


